Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Whenever an Idiot argues, he doesn't see the future. Otherwise engaging you makes you think superfluous and your just but possessed by unmeaningful dwarfism in the current status quo

Monday, November 25, 2019


We're tired of the so called youths to rule this country,we need old men of wisdom.
Uhuruto regime has failed Kenyans.. bure kabisa.
Look at kibaki and Raila , their regime led this country to greater prosperity.

Sunday, November 24, 2019


Guys many of you are lost.. You are against those who oppose it as if you know what it's content is.can everyone wait for the report? We ukisema wengine wamekataa juu deputy amekataa,we unasupport juu Mr president and the so called Tinga are in support?Stop being young politically


Raila Odinga alierevuka akajua Kenyans are not worth /fighting for. Saa hi Raila angekuwa anapigana na kamwana watu wangekuwa wanamwita kiħii, RAT, Jeuri, Jinga etc
Kumira Kumira should concentrate on the people they actually woke up 3 am to vote for. Did they deliver the stadiums they promised you? Did they improve the economy? Did they give your kids laptops

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


If I contribute about 2 million shillings every week and broadcasting it loudly, I would attract the attention of; KRA, Central Bank and Anti-Banking Fraud Unit for obvious reasons. Why are these government organs silent on some people?

Dp job

What is the job of a Deputy President? In our country it is to campaign for 10 years using State resources and on full salary.

Dirty moni

John Njue almost made the Catholic Church a tribal religion. He supported Jubilee government like the Mount Kenya Mafia and accepted dirty money in the church  like a Slay Queen. It was refreshing not to see his shifty eyes in a Press Conference by Catholic leaders today.


Let us not forget that we invaded Somalia to flush out Al-Shabaab almost a decade ago because a white French woman was abducted. The war has been costly in monetary  and human terms with no sign of victory soon. Yet when a Kenyan needed help people suddenly start talking about cold water, poor visibility and water pressure.


Za Uhuru na Ruto kumi, also called "The Presidency" zinaishia 2022. They have done their job, whether good or bad, it is now time for a new team.
If anyone donates money to your church, school or you're given some cash in person, take and spend it by all means but don't put incompetence back to govern us again. We deserve better.


Kenyan media are not honest players in passing information to the public. Have you heard any media house doing a follow up story of any corruption case they sensationally broadcast or write about? Latest cases include the Kimwarer dams, Mau land grab, several high profile arrests since NYS One.
Whenever the  government brings out bad policies and laws, the media never dig deeper and ask questions as expected but take the words of the government functionaries as the whole researched truth. Latest examples is the CBC curriculum, Huduma Mamba and the Maasai Mara University heist. The Kenyan media, it seems are either part of the government or using extortion tactics to earn money after those mentioned buy the media silence. No media house has ever tried to analyze the cyclic political violence in Kenya. No media house has ever tried to look closely at IEBC operations.


I will unfriend anyone who says Mugabe was a hero. Which hero creates a 12,000% inflation in his country? Which hero causes death, rape, hunger and massive emigration (people moving away from their country) in his country? Mugabe was a despot just like all other African presidents.