Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Mugwe ward under the leadership  of the young Mca Denis Mutwiri Muthitu is one of the best ward in terms of the  development project.

Major  Roads  like  Gitwaka  Muganani , Kiunguni , Nkumbo.. have been  murramed. Kambandi  Cheera tarmacking progress  is recommendable.

In collaboration with County gvt headed by Governor Njuki , the MCA has managed to construct 10 ECDE classes, 3 foot bridges Naka, Nkanya, Kirege and Kathuri in Kiamucii. Dennis is well  know in his unique  strategy  of Groups  empowerment no one will  match his game.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Die of corona

Jubilee (Uhuruto) gvt had 7 years to create 1M jobs , if we go for a total lockdown, we have no food and the gvt cannot offer Kenyans food because they didn't purchased food.

Agriculture Cs said that Kenya has no food in their stores, they spent 1.3 trillion on railway to nowhere, 21B on imaginary Kimwarrer and Arror dams not to mention Huduma number.

We don't have oxygen plant's in most hospitals except those big hospitals likes of MTRH where they  produce it's own Oxygen, meaning wazee will have rough time in the village if infected while some hospitals are far without enough ambulances.

The country has very few masks, gloves and testing kits how will we go by!

Jubilee govt invested on unnecessary projects and corruption instead of building and upgrading the health system since they knew that when they are sick they will seek  medical attention across the globe.

The number must rise only God will save us.

Monday, March 23, 2020


I remember when Bbi rally was scheduled to take place at Kinoru Meru, Tangatanga bloggers came with news that a patient has been reported in Meru hospital with Corona Virus just to infuse fear to people who were attending the Bbi rally, it was fake.

Well, after a second confirmed Corona case, they were all over the social media very happy with their dental out yapping how Corona has stopped reggae as if they are immune. The idiots could not be touched now that the reggae had stopped. They ignorantly forgot the social economic implications of the pandemic.

When leaders went to the statehouse to pray for our country the Tangatangas were again there watching who is not holy to attend the prayers. Indeed they found Raila unfit since he had a cap on his head again they blocked the good prayers.

According to my judgement, Tangatangas are responsible for welcoming the menace and praising it, they shld repent they should be the last people to lecture us about praying for the pandemic and showing concern. We are now facing  Corona together, schools, restaurants , companies, industries... Have been closed. By the end of the week we shall feel the economic pinch together.

Aisifiaye mvua, ujue imemnyeshea.

Monday, March 16, 2020


1. Baba

Baba is a name Raila’s followers use to refer to him. They use this name due to his long history in politics. He is seen as an elder who knows a lot and whatever he says, will be followed by his followers. 

2. People’s President

This title was used by Raila’s followers after his illegal swearing in on January 30, 2017. This was after he had refuse to participate in the re-run after the presidential elections were nullified. 

3. RAO

RAO is an abbreviation of his official names Raila Amolo Odinga. This name has been in existence for a long time ago. Since his debut in politics, people have been referring to him as RAO.

4. Jakom

Jakom is a Luo name for someone who is a leader. The name is used to refer to Raila as their leader. He is also referred to Jakom since he is the leader of the opposition and also leader of OMD party. 

5. Agwambo

Agwambo is a Luo name used to refer to a person with certain supernatural powers. This name is in accordance with Raila’s political abilities/muscles from his home ground. Anyone willing to vie for a seat from the Nyanza region must rely on his blessing to win.

6. Arap Mibei This is a Kalenjin term that refers to someone who helps one to cross over a river or water. In the context of Raila Odinga, this term is often used just as the Joshua term that is used to refer to Raila as one who helped people cross the river. The term became synonymous during his narrations on his symbolic role in leading his followers to cross the biblical River Jordan during the 2017 General Elections.

7. Owadgi Akinyi Owadgi means a brother to, therefore, the term refers to a brother to Akinyi. Raila's sister Wenwa Akinyi Odinga Oranga is currently the Consul General at the Kenya Consulate in LA.

Friday, March 6, 2020