Thursday, August 12, 2021

pool 3

Steel Fixers for Melbourne Swimming Pools since 15 Years

Our Steel Fixing Division has been servicing a number of quality designer and boutique swimming pool builders, as well as OWNER BUILDERS for over 15 years.

Whether it’s a simple straight forward project or a more complex designer pool or spa our team has the expertise to get the job done to precision.

Our Steel Fixing Services include:

  • Pool Steel Fixing
  • Basement Steel Fixing
  • Cellars
  • Beach Areas
  • Negative/Infinity Edge’s
  • Spa’s
  • Walk Ways
  • Wide Beams
  • Ledges
  • Remco Tank & Bridges
  • Swimming Pool steel fixing is a specialised field and we pride ourselves to deliver the highest quality of workmanship on every single project.

    We specialize in dealing with work sites where sand is an issue, where the soil has a high risk of collapsing, and are for the quality of our form work.

    Most importantly, work site safety is our number one priority for both our team and people working along side our team.

    Call True Blue Pools now for Steel Fixing or other components of your swimming pool build



    Plumbing is completed prior to concrete finishing.  All openings are covered to ensure that concrete does not enter, harden and block the pipes.  The basic plan is to push water in one general direction.  Strategically placed water inlets recycle and filter water efficiently and the water is then sucked out and returned to the pool.  The more outlets you have, the less pressure from each individual outlet that will exist.  The number you have is dependent on size and shape of your pool and the size of your pool pump.  It is important to have a plumbing plan for your builder at the shell stage, as 40mm pipe will be placed in the steel and pushed through the back of the form work to be connected after concrete has cured.  Depending on adjacent structures to your pool, plumbing may have to be completed internally and covered with concrete.  This may take some pre-planning and failure to allow for this can be the result of major delays.  After backfilling occurs it is important to have you pool plumbing pressure tested to ensure that there are no leaks in the system where water can be lost.


    • 40mm pipe and fittings (primary)/ 50mm pipe and fittings (secondary)
    • plumbing glue
    • Skimmer box
    • plumbing plan
    • skimmer box


    • Grinder
    • Hand saw
    • 40mm hole cutters
    • Tape measure
    • Duct tape/ PVC caps
    Manifolding to equalise pressure outlets
    Manifolding to equalise pressure outlets and plumbing that will sit inside the concrete


    Plumbing pipe is placed in the formwork to be joined after concrete has cured
    Plumbing pipe is placed in the formwork to be joined after concrete has cured


    • Suctions may be required for water features, extra pumps, large pools and heating of  pools.  Where more than one suction exist water suctions must be at least 1m apart to meet current safety Standards and preferably manifolded.  There have been reported cases where individuals have been caught in suctions below the water line.
    • Heating.  Generally not a requirement in Perth, but if you think you may want heating at some stage it is important to make these arrangements during the shell stage.  Pipes can be put in place and left unused.  If arrangements have not been made prior then it would almost be impossible to add heating to a pool after it has been finished.
    • The main problem that many pool owners face is pressure of the water returns so that the process of cycling and recycling of water is not completely efficient.  Water returning to a pool will flow back via the nearest outlet and remaining water will filter out to the next opening.  This can be fixed with some simple design alterations by manifolding of plumbing. this is easily explained by the following simple diagrams A and B.  Where circulation problems are likely to exist it is not necessarily from an inadequate pump but more likely from scenario A.  Pressure can be equalised from all outlets by the system found in scenario B where plumbing has been manifolded.
    Efficiency and pressure in plumbing systems


    • Where will my pump be placed.
    • Will I have heating.
    • Are there structures behind my  pool or on top of my pool that stop me from placing plumbing pipes behind it.

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    Pool Tech CAD Designs

    Pool Tech has the only In-house CAD Center in Iowa. We have the capability to work with new designs as well as renovation and remodel projects. 

    Once you are satisfied with the 3D design plan for your pool project we begin our extensive CAD Design process. Each CAD plan is customized to your site.

    The construction documents we produce include overall site plans and layouts, equipment lists, plumbing, electric, and hydraulic systems, piping plans and construction details. Pool Tech understands the science behind water management, and we design structures with the least resistance possible. We optimize the hydraulic design of all your pool piping and equipment, which provides you with optimal water quality, and with the most energy-efficient and user-friendly system possible.

    The CAD system answers questions, so we know the quantities of construction materials before the build begins.

    All of the professionals that work on the construction of your pool will do so utilizing the CAD engineering/construction documents, ensuring accuracy, consistency, professionalism and quality construction.

    Pool Tech is thoroughly knowledgable about state and local building codes. We meet or exceed all necessary guidelines and we design and build to tight tolerances.

    Look through to learn more about CAD plans:

    Pool Layout Plan –gives general information and shows the position of the pool in relation to existing and planned elements at the site.

    Pool Dimensions Plan –lists dimensions, elevations and position of pool elements in great detail.

    Piping Plan –Shows position and range of skimmers, inlets, lighting, waterflow direction and pipe layout. Construction workers know exactly where each item should be placed.

    Equipment Room Layout –shows the position of equipment and piping in the mechanical room. Planning ahead allows for the most efficient use of space and the most efficient hydraulic system.

    Pool sections –Shows the depth and lists the thickness of the pool shell and position of the rebar in great detail. Pool Tech knows ahead of the build that your pool will be able to withstand the pressures of water and soil—we have literally done the math.

    Piping Isometric –shows a graphical listing of all plumbing components, water direction and charts gallons per minute based on pump speed with the resistance calculated specifically for the pool. Provides a checklist for construction as well as for renovation.