Tuesday, February 1, 2022

prof. njoka survey

Yesterday in Chuka town, specifically at Outside Magunas Supermarket. 

Some media people had called some Njuki's followers to mobilize other followers telling them they are doing a media survey on Tnc gubernatorial post.

They allowed the Njuki followers to give their opinions even three times but to their surprise,  Prof. Njoka got 67, Njuki got 18 & others.

They were surprised and claimed betrayal since they never expected any Njoka to a group they had themselves mobilized.

I am informed that one of those Njuki follower warned them that something needs to be done because Njuki is dying politically at an exponential rate.

One of Njoka follower challenged them to come and do a survey without calling their followers via phone (alipigwa Kofi ya mapua hadi aka nosebleed)

This is how wheelbarrows is dying a natural death