Friday, May 24, 2019


EACC is another political wing by the big fishes in Kenya.

At times I feel the body works under specific and special instructions to act and who to act on. The war on corruption will only be won the day it will be separated with politics.
I don't support graft, actually I fear the fruits of corruption than the corrupt people, but when the fight against corruption is crafted, choreographed and designed to finish some quotas, it will never be won.

December 2015 - EACC raids Waiguru’s home

January 2016 - EACC raids Murang’a Governor Mwangi Wairia’s home

March 2016 - Murang’a Governor Mwangi Wairia arrested by EACC detectives.

January 2018 - EACC raids former Tharaka Nithi homes

July 2018 - Former Nyandarua Governor Arrested

August 2018 - EACC raids Kericho County offices

September 2018 - EACC raids Makueni County offices in graft probe

November 2019 - EACC raids the homes of Wajir Governor

February 2019 - EACC raids home and office of Samburu Governor

May 2019 - EACC raids Governor Waititu’s homes

EACC can only be equated to CATTLE RUSTLERS, they raid your compound, terrorize you and your family, get headlines, take a few of your cows, then leave to plan another RAID.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

File Case no. 933/2017 Chuka Magistrate Court 2 criminal case of Dr. John Mugambi Njeru was dropped on 18 April 2019 after prosecution failed to provide enough evidence in respect to the case.

Well, back to the case Dr. Mugambi Njeru who was pharmacist at Chuka hospital boasts family ralitionship with Wambora.  It should be remembered that Mugambi was arrested in pocesion of GOK drugs selling in one of chemist shop along Chuka town.

The case was all over and in fact people of Tharaka Nithi wanted justice to be done to serve as a lesson to all those rogue doctors.

He was aligned in court but as I followed keenly, in his statement he had admitted that he has arrested in Chuka town carrying government drugs and was going to sell them.

Dr. Mosses Maugu Kuria who was on duty one of his best friend knowingly that his friend had committed a crime gave false evidence since he also feared to be questioning his role since that weekend he was duty pharmacist.

As a concerned Tharaka nithi resident I need answers for these questions..

1. The drugs he was arrested carrying zilitoka na zilienda wapi?

2. Now that the guy is being reinstated which measures has county gvmnt taken against these rogue doctors.

3. Why was DCI unable to avail enough evidence even call log.

4. How long should we patient die in hospitals without drugs just because of these greedy doctors.

If possible this case should be reopened.

Concerned Tharaka nithi resident.

Justice has not prevailed in this case.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

True liberation will come the day the common man and woman realizes that the elite will always want them poor to have it easy to control them. You cant control a wealthy man.

Poverty makes the poor hate his immediate and equally poor neighbour as the cause of his poverty because poverty clouds reasoning.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

It is very absard and archaic when people with vast knowdge and exposure plays ignorant about security and politicize on the same.

The other day we had a debate on arming security guards but know somebidy is trying to convince us to retain those arrow armed watchman.

There is need to revolutionize old culture and replace old guards with qualified and trained officers to guard our promises. Those people who have undergone basic training plus public relation.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

When a Chief and an OCS were killed by the angry citizens in Tharaka Nithi last week, the full RECCE Company of GSU , APs ,Anti Stock, Dog unit, Dci officers were deployed to the area to make sure that the culprits were brought to book.

In Marsabit county 11 people have been killed, in Kakamega county specific Matungu constituency more than 10 people have been slaughtered mercilessly, and NO action has been taken so far!! Our government really, is there any life which is more important than the other?

Friday, May 3, 2019

Responding to earlier allegations from Cdf  ghost worker Perez Mwenda about Chogoria hospital services.

First I will start by requesting those who have been satisfactorily served in the hospital to say I.

Chogoria Hos is a private institution whose management should not be politicised. We all know that there has been cold war between government hospitals and private especially church sponsored. The supremacy battle is aimed at degrading and soiling the performing institution like Chogoria. Comparing PCEA Chogoria hospital with that Catholic hospital at Chuka you can judge which has retarded developed.

Every institution has its minor or kitchen issues even the mighty KNH   Mbagathi.. has been hitting the headlines.

If accident happened at Katharaka you shall be rushed to the nearest hospital, why should you condemn them?. A sober mind should point the department which he or she was served imperfectly and suggest any idea to sort out the mess not ranting over Facebook walls.

Chogoria ni yetu let develop and embrace it.