Friday, May 3, 2019

Responding to earlier allegations from Cdf  ghost worker Perez Mwenda about Chogoria hospital services.

First I will start by requesting those who have been satisfactorily served in the hospital to say I.

Chogoria Hos is a private institution whose management should not be politicised. We all know that there has been cold war between government hospitals and private especially church sponsored. The supremacy battle is aimed at degrading and soiling the performing institution like Chogoria. Comparing PCEA Chogoria hospital with that Catholic hospital at Chuka you can judge which has retarded developed.

Every institution has its minor or kitchen issues even the mighty KNH   Mbagathi.. has been hitting the headlines.

If accident happened at Katharaka you shall be rushed to the nearest hospital, why should you condemn them?. A sober mind should point the department which he or she was served imperfectly and suggest any idea to sort out the mess not ranting over Facebook walls.

Chogoria ni yetu let develop and embrace it.

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