Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hate politics

The educated and knowledgeable of us say "I hate politics" . In the end the scum and rejects become presidents, MPs, Governors and Senators and decide everything for us. Job creation, tax regimes, salaries, commodity cost etc are all driven by politics and it must be handled by the best brains. I challenge all educated and exposed to start developing interest in politics otherwise this country will be ruined by those crooks whom we leave to go to Parliament.


No matter how you pray today, no matter how the pastor anoints you with some oil and no matter how long you  speak in tongues; you'll still be poor, you'll still be jobless, you'll still have poor economy and you'll still have bad leaders unless you make a decision to change all the above situations. Today ask God to help you see things clearly.

Chapter 6

Did you know that 80% of the current leaders can be locked out of elective posts if only we abide by Chapter 6 of our Constitution? I wish we had a court system with a strong enough spine so that any case brought before them on anyone about this Chapter is blocked from running for office. We have the tools to deal with these fools but the citizens are more fools than them.


The world is moving toward Artificial Intelligence, 3D printing and modern engineering but our government is encouraging our kids to become plumbers, witch doctors and painters. The ones promoting these policies have sons and daughters who are doctors, lawyers engineers. No wonder we are moving nowhere; the reason is, the technocrats and politicians have put our standards at the lowest level.


Do away with Religion and replace it with Critical Thinking. We need more thinkers and less religious fanatics.


If Vatican today says  Jesus was black, all Africans will abandon Christianity.


If it is true Keroche owes KRA billions in tax, let them pay. I pay mine without fail why are Kenyans crying about one company even invoking issues like scaring off investors. The word "investor" is a clean word for 'thief' coined by the west for poor countries 
What we should be asking is, who the hell allowed the tax to accumulate to that level, look for that person and lynch him instead of sanitizing a wrong committed by a company.
If we allow Keroche not to pay tax, what will Kenya Breweries think? KBL is even a bigger employer. Let us stop the double standards.


The quality of an MP in Kenya has been so lowered that any joker with a few millions, stolen or otherwise want to be one. We have abserved the shameless, corrupt, greedy and mentally bankrupt but overpaid MPigs and realized that one needs nothing between their ears. Just some money and little brain cells tuned to sycophancy of a tribal chief or a war lord. The voters stopped thinking too. That job has been left to the same leaders responsible for their suffering.


If you elect me as your MP, these are things I will never do;
1. Attend Harambees, instead I will ensure systems are in place to reduce the need of people begging for money
2. I will never attend any political meeting after I am elected; you can elect me back after 5 years ama ikae.
3. I will never go around the country with any party leader or aspiring president to promote his ambitions, after all he/she is the one who wants to be president not me.
4. I will never give anyone any handouts whatsoever so I won't expect anyone in my office other than those coming to talk about serious issues to uplift the constituency.
5. I will not be cruising in a big tinted car with security,  after all, you elected me so what am I afraid of when I'm with my people?
6. Don't expect me to grace any occasions such as "opening" or "ground breaking" project by the President or DP, after all, the projects were funded by you, the tax payer why would I pride myself with that? It is what any government must do to it's people.
7. I will never compete with any of my potential opponents even if they pour money on your heads and promise you heaven because I have a life to live whether you make me an MP or not.

Work other county

We have our own demon called tribalism to deal with so let us not play holier than thou attitude with South Africa. The other day, Kitui County hospital workers were protesting against the County employing people from other Counties. It is a silent rule that with my name, it is not easy for me to get a job in Muranga or any other Mount Kenya region Vounties. Equally, Ephraim Njega,  cannot get a job easily in Uasin Gishu County, Nandi, Baring or Kericho Counties. As we speak, it is like law that a non Somali should not work in North Eastern regions. It is a time bomb and most retrogressive trend. There were days you could meet all Kenyan tribes at any market across the country.


It is a shame that African leaders and the rich go for treatment and die in hospitals abroad. They run down their own facilities, steal all the money for training health care personnel and buying health care equipment then spend the looted money in a foreign land.
What is so hard for the government to put a policy in place that states that all MPs, the entire cabinet, Senate and MCAs including all their families must seek treatment in public health institutions? Believe me, they will campaign, vote and raise tantrums until all government hospitals are at per with Aga Khan hospital.
When that is done, we turn to education. If you are a public servant, all your children must attend public schools.

Dead hero

I will unfriend anyone who says Mugabe was a hero. Which hero creates a 12,000% inflation in his country? Which hero causes death, rape, hunger and massive emigration (people moving away from their country) in his country? Mugabe was a despot just like all other African presidents.


Politicians too kill for wealth. Or what do you call someone who makes a billion shillings meant for providing fresh water to thousands of people dissappear?

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The vigor used by Rift Valley leaders to the extent of sleeping outside Royal media services (citizen) and later at police station, should be applied rescuing young pupil who was radiclued for soiling

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Am starting to believe the words of brother Francis Atwoli,that William Ruto's name will not be in the ballot come 2022.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Tangatanga foot soldiers should cease from twisting statements to satisfy their ego, to my best of knowledge, Uhuru suggested  'Kumi yangu as President & kumi kwa Ruto as Deputy president.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Have you been to Mt.Kenya forest? The place is fully electric fenced and even the local women are not allowed to pick even firewood from the place.

The KWS soldiers ruthless if they find anybody in the forest.But the people living and farming in Mau forest feel targeted and want the government to compensate them?..Watu watoke kwa msitu waachie wanyama.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

I have never seen the deputy president waking up early in the morning and visiting May people.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

“Ignore what others tell you about me, I also support the handshake a hundred per cent,next time you (Raila) have meetings please invite me too, you have left me out completely that is why others had a chance of gossiping negatively about me,” ~Obado 


You cannot have an agenda of your own that is different from that of your principal who is president. To that extent this is a matter that needs to be addressed quickly and president Uhuru should see the need to work with him for the sake of peace and unity,” said Orengo


“There is a dis-function in Jubilee. You cannot have a different agenda from your principal. The ambitions of Ruto are interfering with the tenure of Uhuru,” said Orengo.