Sunday, September 29, 2019


If you elect me as your MP, these are things I will never do;
1. Attend Harambees, instead I will ensure systems are in place to reduce the need of people begging for money
2. I will never attend any political meeting after I am elected; you can elect me back after 5 years ama ikae.
3. I will never go around the country with any party leader or aspiring president to promote his ambitions, after all he/she is the one who wants to be president not me.
4. I will never give anyone any handouts whatsoever so I won't expect anyone in my office other than those coming to talk about serious issues to uplift the constituency.
5. I will not be cruising in a big tinted car with security,  after all, you elected me so what am I afraid of when I'm with my people?
6. Don't expect me to grace any occasions such as "opening" or "ground breaking" project by the President or DP, after all, the projects were funded by you, the tax payer why would I pride myself with that? It is what any government must do to it's people.
7. I will never compete with any of my potential opponents even if they pour money on your heads and promise you heaven because I have a life to live whether you make me an MP or not.

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