Monday, December 30, 2019

The ongoing demonstrations are politically motivated and funded by power greedy politicians who are eyeing for elective positions come 2022,it's known that some of the aspirants are already holding late night meetings at a  university and some hotels associated with some of them,the motive behind the demos is branding the county government has a failed government and to raise political temperatures in the county.
If you doubt my statement ask yourself why the Maabi and Rukundi demonstrations were all posted by the Muthenge propagandist who has never seen anything positive on Governor Njuki's Administration.

 Mbungu P.o fluclox 500 mg bd x5/7 P.o brustan I TDs x 5/7

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Plagiarism isn't a crime but it's illegal

Party of poor

"When you give a lunch or a dinner,do not invite your friends or your brothers or your rich neighbours -for they will invite you back,and in this way you will be paid for what you did.
When you give a feast ,invite the poor ,the crippled,the lame and the blind  and you will be blessed,because they are not able to pay you back.
God will repay you on the day the good people rise from death."
It's for this reason Prof Njoka decided to celebrate the Christmas day with Chuka town urchins and 'hustlers'
God bless the Good prof
God bless TNC

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Uhuru support

In the eyes of TangaTanga Team, Uhuru Kenyatta simply needs to support William Ruto for presidency and he will be President.

To them elections will be unnecessary. They need to Remember that Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi supported Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and Uhuru and Ruto lost miserably to Mwai Kibaki and Raila Amollo Odinga.

With the power that Moi had, the Government Machinery and Massive Government Resources, Uhuru Kenyatta and William Samoei Ruto still lost to Emilio Mwai Kibaki and Raila Amollo Odinga.

Even if Uhuru Kenyatta declares his Presidential Support to William Samoei Kipchirchir Arap Ruto, William will still lose  the Presidential Election. That goes without saying but I have to say it anyway...


Jomo Kenyatta a Kikuyu ruled from 1963 to 1978(15yrs),Moi a Kalenjin ruled from 1978 to 2002(24yrs),Mwai Kibaki a kikuyu ruled from 2002 to 2012(10yrs) Uhuru Kenyata 2012 to 2022(10yrs).... Kikiyu tribe will not have a candidate in 2022 polls....Ruto is a Kalenjin. he should stop hiding in dynasties... we are talking tribal language here.... it is time for other tribe to unlock the neo colonialism... Kuria, Borana, Luhya, Luo, Maasai, Kamba... etc.... say no to kikuyu or kalenjin president come 2022


Remember Ruto is not interested in serving Kenyans (as the president) . His only mission is to be richer than Kenyattas. The shoe analogy gives a glimpse into this man's mind.

Huduma n

The way I have seen Kenyans obey the Huduma Number nonsense, it shows if Uhuru, Raila, Njonjo Moi, Kalonzo and a bunch of CSs commands them to vote for candidate X or else.. They'll all line up and before the day ends, X is the President. They will never ask questions. They'll just obey. Don't be surprised that your 2 year old son you just registered will vote for candidate X in Constituency W.


I would like to know how these ladies are faring. They were literally crying that Uhuru should never get in contact with Raila.


If we fail to get a serious presidential contender by 2021, we will talk to Matiang'i. Here we better deal with the devil we don't know. He is equally a hustler from a humble family lineage. What this country needs is an almost mad president to face the cartels.


Kenyan proverb repeated over and over by lazy and unthinking cowards, "we know he is a thief and corrupt but which politician is clean?".  Who said we should not think outside the usual dirty suspects?


When Raila opposed the dams project,Ruto led his troops from team tangatanga, against his opinion by claiming that Raila never wanted Kalenjins to get piped water from those dams. However, it's now confirmed that the dams project was a scheem to loot public funds coz 63 b is gone. The entire team tangatanga lead by Murkomen,Kimani Ichungwa,Adan Duale,Oscar Sudi,Didmus Baraza etc must tell Kenyans who stole the 63 b meant for the dams project,why are they silent about the dams scandals?

China loot

China is where it is today because it has zero tolerance on corruption; China kills any corrupt individual.  Japan is where it is today because Public Servants touched by corruption or malpractice commit suicide in what is called "honour death".
In Kenya, the government rewards the corrupt with better posts. The people celebrate the corrupt by voting them to Parliament, Senate and the County Assembly. Imagine how fast things will improve if we were to lynch twenty corrupt Public Servants (rank notwithstanding) in one year.


Nominated MP, Ole Sankok, who is also living with disability is giving his cohorts a bad name. Someone tell him when you're nominated by someone you don't need to behave and think like  dog to show your loyalty. I heard him saying Raila is using a lot of money after (and even before) the handshake that is the reason why we have to pay higher taxes. With such weird thinking by our leaders, are we surprised by the pathetic leadership we have?

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Gvt eats

Revolutions eat their own children. Governments eat their own people. This government will punish you more than it will punish me” ~Sen. James Orengo

Sunday, December 15, 2019


I am not a mjinga

I never voted for Uhuru, because I knew what he stood for, as he had demonstrated nothing but ineptitude in his first term

In fact, I pity those who expect much from him, you were indeed blind

I voted for Raila. Is he the president?

If he went for handshake or leg shake, it didn't happen with my input and so my conscience is clear, that I didn't participate in any "ujinga" like those who voted to retain the status quo

My choice didn't sail through, meaning I never participated in creating this mess

Wajinga are those who voted for Jubilee, which has messed up everything. Don't force us into your "ujinga"

All these nonsense you enumerate for us, as the failures of Jubilee, are the same, we told you before elections, but you were too proud to listen to anyone

You created this mess by voting for Jublee thrice. Don't force us into your "ujinga". Drown alone in your misery


Saturday, December 14, 2019

Did you know that as things stand,Ruto,with
- all the stolen wealth,
-all the central churches he has contributed to,
-all the kiosks in western he has taken tea in,
-all the bananas he has eaten on the streets
-and all the MPs he has splashed money on
cannot even win the vacant Nairobi Governor's post??of the four who follows the big two,he is the most useless with no single support in Kenya's capital city.

His sycophants and clueless bloggers are all making noise from as far as Kapsitet and ainabkoi and Tot. He knows he needs Nairobi to be President but he doesn't know how to even start the search.

He gave it a shot through Mariga but was terribly crashed and screwed in kibera.he rigged out Peter Kenneth and installed Sonko as his political pivot in the capital city in 2022 but has since been uprooted and soon being taken to jail.

His conspiracies around 2022 are being demolished one by one as he helplessly watches...and all makes me very happy. Sometimes his miseries makes me sleep with my shoes that day the President's security hit his nose with the door at Bomas when he tried to creep behind Baba into the big two's secret meeting.


Monday, December 9, 2019


Ruto took advantage...

"In 2017 elections, Kiambu County alone, the President's home,had over 1 million votes.Those who voted for JUBILEE were nine hundred Thousand(900,000). Kiambu is largely dominated by Kikuyus & there is NOT a single  Kalenjin prescience in Kiambu.
In Uasin Gishu County, William Ruto's home, registered voters were,four hundred & fifty thousand & fifty five votes(450,055) NOT even half of Kiambu votes.Those who voted for President Uhuru Kenyatta were slightly over three hundred thousand(300,000),a mere third(1/3RD) of those who voted for Uhuru & Ruto in Kiambu County.
Mark you, Uasin Gishu County has nearly 35% of Kikuyu prescence. In other words,over one hundred & five thousand(105,000) Kikuyus voted for Uhuru & Ruto in Uasin Gishu County.This reduces the Kalenjin votes Uhuru got in Uasin Gishu County to a mere one hundred & ninety five thousand votes(195,000 votes), assuming that not even a single person from other tribes in Uasin Gishu like Luhya,Luo,Kamba,Somali,Maasai,Meru et al did not vote for Uhuru.
In simple terms, it is William Samoei Ruto who used the numerous Kikuyu numbers to defraud his way into the Deputy Presidency's office. It is Ruto who has our debt and not the other way round"-Kabando Wa Kabando.

Bidens on corruption

Corruption is a cancer: a cancer that eats away at a citizen's faith in democracy, diminishes the instinct for innovation and creativity; already-tight national budgets, crowding out important national investments. It wastes the talent of entire generations. It scares away investments and jobs.

Joe Biden

Saturday, December 7, 2019


Awise advice to our youth.Let the law take its course on governor Mike Sonko corruption matter that will be brought before court on Monday.

Let no one misguide by misleading you that on Monday you will stop him from being charged in court by staging unlicenced demonstrations or through picketing.

Never and i mean never try to obstruct justice by breaching already existing peace in creating havoc anywhere in this beautiful city of Nairobi.

Security apparatus of this government is closely monitoring those inciting our youth to cause mayhem by going to the streets staging unlicenced demos/riots.Such attempts by these so called pro-Sonko bloggers will be met by full force of law.

Guys lets remain calm by maintaining peace.Don't accept to be used by any group in causing tension because when arrested you will face consequences of your actions individually but not as a group.

My advice to team Sonko is to advice their leader to hire avoid number of competent lawyers who will fight for him to be set free on Monday. What you guys are doing is only but dwindling his chances of being released on Monday. Your actions might deny him being released on bail/bond.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

embassy official,Mr Allan Eastham, told Raila that they had intelligence indicating that the government was in advance stages of preparing his execution, he told him that the impending arrest was not to be an ordinary arrest but rather an arrest that would cause him bodily harm if not lead to his death, he advised him to be safe and careful.

The police raided his offices at Agip house but missed him since he had gone to Orengo’s office within the same building, a team of lawyers led by Mrs Karua were called in to witness the siege, this foiled the raid and the police called it a day promising to keep the hunt. It was at this point that a decision was made to ensure that Raila Odinga went underground since the government seemed to be serious about killing him.

After a night in Orengo’s house, Nyong’o, Raila and Orengo felt that the house was also not safe, they had to find a safer place to hide Raila from the state. They made a decision to take him Dr kituyi house, Nyong’o drove him to his new home, Raila stayed with Dr Kituyi family for a week while the special branch hunted down for him. On the first night at Kituyi home, the police raided his house in kileleshwa. Ida having been used to the battle refused to open the door, insisting that Raila was not at home, she pretended to be searching for the keys while in fact she was calling the press. She asked the watchman to count the police officers in the compound, when he reached 17, he was beaten to black out.

After a week, the time to move Raila to another location came, the wife of Dr kituyi, Mrs Ling was charged with the responsibility of driving him to the US embassy. She changed Raila beards, fixed him with glasses and fixed his head with a wig, she sat with him behind while Dr kituyi drove with Nyong’o following closely. The trip to the embassy was successful but they refused to host him for fear of crossing President Moi path. From the embassy Nyong’o and Muite drove Raila to Loresho where he stayed with Jalang’o Onyango for a week as they crafted the next course of action.

The catholic church took the issue of Raila a week later, he moved to his sister in law house to meet his children and promised them that he’ll never go back to Detention. A white American nun and father Opiyo got Raila out of Nairobi. They dressed Raila as a priest, gave him glasses and shaved his head clean, Raila became a completely different person after the changes, sitting at the back, Raila read newspapers as they passed the numerous roadblocks mounted on the road by the police. When they reached the catholic station in Kisumu, they booked Raila under the name Father Augustine from Machakos, he was later transferred to Rang’ala mission station and was booked under the same name. His father sent a car to pick him.

At 4 pm, Raila Odinga was moved to Olago Beach where he was to be smuggled out of the country through the lake, he boarded the diesel-powered boat and began his voyage to Uganda, they passed by Ndeda Island to pick up some passengers and left for Uganda at 8pm. After two hours, Hezron Orori, the navigator announced that they were in Uganda, a heavy storm hit the lake later and Orori wife began to shiver, Raila out of humanity lent her his jacket and faced the unforgiving cold himself, Raila turned to a bottle of Vodka given to him by a friend to get some warmth. He spent the night at Sigulu.

With the help of sympathetic Kenyans and Tanzanians living in Uganda, he acquired Ugandan papers, but changed his name to Joseph Ojiwa Wadenya, once in Kampala, he was hosted by one of his friends who worked in his company, the friend reported his arrival to the United Nation High Commission for Refugees, the UNHCR advised Raila to remain underground since the Kenyan government had sent special officers to kidnap him and send him back home, efforts by the Kenyan government to recapture him proved futile due to the hostility of the Ugandan government towards Moi regime. All countries except Norway were willing to host Raila, Norway eventually offered him asylum.

To be moved out of Uganda, Raila had to be disguised once more, Ahmed Sayyid Farah, a Somali national who was the UNHCR country representative in Uganda decided that they were not going to take chances. Farah got Raila Odinga a kanzu with a fez and a jacket similar to those of Uganda Muslims to wear. His name was also changed from Wadenya to Haji Omar, going to mecca for pilgrimage, when he reached Oslo not even his blood sisters who waiting for him could recognize him.

The Norwegian government offered him a job, a house and a passport to visit any country except Kenya, the son of Odinga lived to fight another day”


Raila Odinga and his father Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. [Photo|The ODM Party]There was a day Raila Odinga arrived in Kisumu, Ugenya and Bondo but the people who normally give him a rousing welcome could not recognise him. That was around the time Raila quietly boarded a motorboat at Ndeda Beach in Bondo at 4pm and sailed with other passengers at night to Uganda without being noticed. Travelling under different names, sometimes dressed as a priest and other times as a Sheikh, Raila staged a dramatic escape from Kenya by boat at night, through Lake Victoria to Uganda then to Norway, to avoid arrest just before a 1991 Forum for Restoration of Democracy rally at Kamukunji, Nairobi. That day, Raila was introduced to Kisumu and Ugenya as Father Augustine from Machakos, complete with a priest’s robe. He arrived in Uganda under the name of Joseph Ojiwa Wadeya. By the time he was leaving Uganda for Norway, his name had changed to Haji Omar, going to Mecca on pilgrimage, complete with a kanzu and a fez. The Lang’ata MP would probably be dead today had he not made this dramatic exit. Raila remembers in his biography that as the Ford Young Turks and the six elderly men were mobilising for the Kamukunji rally, a US Embassy official, Alan Eastham, told him they had intelligence that the Government was panicking and blaming Raila for all the tension that had gripped the country then. According to the US Embassy, the Government believed Raila was the man behind the movement despite the fact that Raila held no leadership position in Ford. The Embassy told Raila that he was likely to be arrested two days before the October 5, 1991 rally. It was not going to be an ordinary arrest. "The Moi Government had concluded that Raila no longer feared detention and Eastham warned that they could do him physical harm or assassinate him. The advice was that Raila should take care," the biography, Raila Odinga: An Enigma in Kenyan Politics, says. Police raided Raila’s offices in Agip House, but missed him, as he had gone to lawyer James Orengo’s office within the building. A team of lawyers, including Martha Karua, Japheth Shamalla, Martha Koome and media houses were soon at hand to witness the siege. The raid was foiled. But the struggle was not over. It was after this that Raila, Orengo and Anyang’ Nyong’o decided that it was too risky to play games with "a desperate enemy". From this time on, Raila’s life changed. A decision was taken that Raila should go underground. The solidarity of the Young Turks paid off for him. At that time, Raila, Mukhisa Kituyi, Paul Muite, Oki Ooko Ombaka, Karua, Kiraitu Murungi, Gibson Kamau Kuria, among others, were allies against dictatorship. After a night at Orengo’s place, Nyong’o, Raila and Orengo decided that even that place was not safe enough. Another "trustworthy friend" took over when Raila moved to the home of Dr Kituyi, a long time activist who had been expelled with Otieno Kajwang’ from the University of Nairobi for their role in student politics. Nyong’o drove Raila to Kituyi’s place where the Lang’ata MP stayed for a week while police hunted for him. On the first night at Kituyi’s place, police raided Raila’s home in Kileleshwa. Ida, now used to battles with the police, refused to open, insisting the man was not at home. She pretended to be looking for the keys, while she was in fact calling the press. She asked the watchman to count the police loudly. When he reached 17 they beat him hard. Then they left with a message to Ida to tell Raila, "if he was man enough, he should come to the police station and they would know who they were." It was time to get Raila out of Kituyi’s house, to the US Embassy. The task fell on Kituyi’s wife, Ling, who had to take him through the many roadblocks without police noticing. She changed Raila’s beards and hair, fixed him with glasses and took him to the Embassy with Dr Kituyi driving and Nyong’o following. The Embassy gave audience to Raila, but was not willing to host him. Earlier, it had given exile to Kamau Kuria, to Moi’s chagrin. That day, Raila went to Nyong’o’s house, fearing that police would follow him to Kituyi’s house. Muite showed up. They decided Raila needed to be moved to a friend who was less politically active. They moved him to Jalang’o Anyango’s residence in Loresho where he stayed for another week. From here, Raila issued a statement that his life was in danger. Moi, on the other hand gave an interview where he said Kenya was a one- party State by law and those going against that were guilty. The die was cast. The Catholic Church took over Raila’s issue, with Archbishop Zacheaus Okoth plotting how to get Raila out of Nairobi. Raila moved to his sister-in- law’s house, met his children and promised them he would never go into detention again. A white American nun and a Kenyan priest Father Mak’ Opiyo, dressed in their religious dresses, got Raila out of Nairobi. They also dressed Raila as a priest, gave him glasses and with a clean-shaven head, Raila became a different person. Sitting on the back seat, Raila read newspapers as they passed police roadblocks, where they were easily waved on. That day, even Kisumu could not recognise Raila. When the three reached the Catholic Station in Kisumu, the two priests booked a disguised Raila as Father Augustine from Machakos. He was later transferred to Rang’ala Mission in Ugenya where, again, he was booked in as Father Augustine. His father sent a car to collect him at midnight. It was time for Raila to leave the country by boat. At 4pm, Raila went to Olago beach in Bondo and boarded a diesel- powered boat. The lake was rough that evening, and the driver had to collect other passengers at Ndeda island. They left Ndeda at 8pm and headed for Uganda. "The boat moved slowly using only the moon and the stars for navigation on an initially calm night," the biography says. After two hours, the driver, Hezron Orori, who was also carrying one of his wives who was sick, announced that they were in Uganda. That provided some relief for Raila, before a heavy storm hit the lake. It was cold, and Orori’s sick wife began to shiver. "Raila lent her his jacket and became cold himself," the writer says. Raila turned to a bottle of Vodka a friend had given him. It gave him some warmth. Raila spent the night in Sigulu, one of the formerly Kenyan islands that had been annexed by Idi Amin. Here, with the help of sympathetic Kenyans, Ugandans and Tanzanians, Raila acquired Ugandan papers. But his name changed. He became Joseph Ojiwa Wadeya. In Kampala, Raila landed in the hands of a friend who had worked for his company, the East African Spectre, who reported his arrival to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. Uganda reported to Kenyan authorities that Raila was there. There was fear that Kenyan intelligence forces in Kampala could abduct Raila and return him home. UNHCR asked Raila to remain underground saying Kenya had sent security forces to search for him. But Uganda declined to help the Kenyan forces. Germany, US and Britain, all keen not to ruffle relations with Moi, were reluctant to give asylum to Raila. Only Norway, which had cut relations with Kenya, accepted Raila. To leave Uganda for Norway, Raila had to be disguised again. Ahmed Sayyid Farah, a Somali national who was the UNHCR country representative in Uganda, decided they were not going to take chances. Farah got Raila a kanzu with a fez and a jacket similar to those of Uganda Muslims to wear. His name changed to Haji Omar, going to Mecca on pilgrimage. A friend who had boarded Sabena Airlines in Nairobi could not recognise Raila when he boarded in Kampala. His sisters who waited for him at the airport in Oslo could not recognise him either. Back home, Raila’s wife Ida was still fighting. She issued a press statement detailing why Raila had to, and stubbornly insisted that if anything happened to her husband, she would hold the police responsible. She said thugs had attacked Raila’s car at their gate and a day later, an unidentified persons left a bucketful of faeces on their backyard. Police were calling their house every day and leaving death threats, she said. "The latest telephone message that police will shoot him if they caught up with him is the most terrifying. The police have created a lot of fear in our children with these threats. The children freeze every time the phone rings or whenever there is a knock on the door," Ida protested. "Last week, our daughter broke down in class. I am afraid our children can’t take it anymore. I appeal to the police to stop it for the sake of the children. In this country, all children are supposed to occupy a special place in the hearts of the leaders," Ida said. She insisted that those hunting Raila down were not ordinary policemen. "Never before have I heard policemen leaving death messages to people they intend to arrest. May be the tactics have changed. When they say openly that he will see fire or he will see what he has never seen before or that he will never see the sun again, these messages mean the same thing, that they will kill him." Ida complained that on October 4 1991, a rowdy and rude group of about 20 uniformed and plain clothed policemen attempted to get to their house by force. Earlier, police had invaded East African Spectre and harassed employees, staged continuous surveillance on the company and at Raila’s home. At the company, they left the message that Raila should report to Central Police Station. "It was ominous that when we reported to the Central Police Station, no officer at that station knew about his requirement to report," Ida said in the lengthy statement. "I want to state very clearly and in no uncertain terms that if something happens to Raila, my family will hold police wholly responsible." A day later, Raila’s father, Jaramogi weighed in with a statement asking police to leave his son alone. "I appeal to the Commissioner of Police to put a stop to this nonsense. I appeal to the head of the Special Branch, whose professional duty is to advise the Government on political matters as they relate to the security of society to advise against the Gestapo behaviour." Apparently, Raila had not left the country or even Nairobi, when this statement was issued. But it created the impression that he was out. It was not the first time Ida was showing this act of defiance in what was increasingly becoming a family’s battle with the State. A few years earlier, Ida had been sacked from her teaching job "in public interest." That came after she took the State to court in 1988 to demand Raila’s release. A letter of retirement was delivered to her at Kenya High School on September 12, 1988, telling her to handover all school property and leave within six hours. Nobody, not even the Kenya National Union of Teachers protested. Only the late Bishop Alexander arap Muge did. When international pressure mounted, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) changed tact. Mr J Kang’ali wrote to Ida about a week later: "The TSC has carefully reviewed its decision on this matter and having taken into account your previous record of service as a teacher, it has been decided that you be reinstated back to the teaching service, on humanitarian grounds." TSC declined to take responsibility for the inconveniences to Ida. In early 1991, an uncowed Ida fired a lengthy letter to Attorney General Mathew Muli, demanding to know why Raila was being persecuted. "Why is it that up to now, Raila has not been told specifically what it is that he did to warrant detention without trial? Would you not agree that general reference to his involvement or association with persons is not specific at all? How can he change if his offences are not specified?" she asked. In the end, Norway gave Raila an asylum, a job and a passport that allowed him to travel to all countries except Kenya. He had lived to fight another day and launch an attack on the Nyayo Government from abroad. He returned later to take the Lang’ata seat in 1992.Editor's Note: This story was first published by The ODM Party, December 3, 2017


When Kibaki was in hospital,Raila refused to take power.

When There was war in Kenya 2007/2008 and Kofi Annan came for handshake negotiation,Raila refused to be the president and Kibaki prime minister...Raila refused to take power

When Maraga nullified the 2017 election,Raila refused to view again....he could have defeated Uhuruto...Raila refused to take power.

When Raila was sworn in by Miguna Miguna at Uhuru park,he had peoples assembly,,they were going to collect taxes which could make jubilee gvt not succeed...Raila surrendered to Uhuru... The time is now ripe to take power through a scrupulous process.