Sunday, January 26, 2020

BBI is for an inclusive govt. Why did Ruto have a change of heart at joined the BBI brigade? Murkomen referred to Raila as Baba,why? No abusive language applied either to Ruto or Raila ,why? The gullible Kenyan voters mmechezwa shere ... Mtajua hamjui.. Kenya iko na wenyewe BBI is here to stay

BBI is for an inclusive govt.
Why did Ruto have a change of heart at joined the BBI brigade?
Murkomen referred to Raila as Baba,why?
No abusive language applied either to Ruto or Raila ,why?
The gullible Kenyan voters mmechezwa shere ...
Mtajua hamjui.. Kenya iko na wenyewe
BBI is here to stay

Yes but it has been curtailed . You either join BBI via Raila or Uhuru . BBI is born out of handshake and BBI is government project and one of uhuru's legacy and it will never fail. Tangatanga watajua hawajui..let them continue quacking..

Yes but it has been curtailed .
You either join BBI via Raila or Uhuru .
BBI is born out of handshake and BBI is government project and one of uhuru's legacy and it will never fail.
Tangatanga watajua hawajui..let them continue quacking..

If going to Church means going to heaven then a pity Ruto and his gang of pretenders... After church the Pharisees will be hauling abuses at Raila and the establishment. We know most of our church leaders are compromised and corrupt and the Chu has been abused and used as a conduit for money laundering and cleansing... They'll not see heaven.

If going to Church means going to heaven then a pity Ruto and his gang of pretenders...
After church the Pharisees will be hauling abuses at Raila and the establishment.
We know most of our church leaders are compromised and corrupt and the Chu has been abused and used as a conduit for money laundering and cleansing...
They'll not see heaven.

Baba can never be wrong ...... You're free to charge waiguri if you've the evidence

Baba can never be wrong ......
You're free to charge waiguri if you've the evidence

Friday, January 24, 2020

There are lessons i learn. You might have 2 degrees,Masters,Phd,money,family,influence but all that does not make you responsible. If you are ignorant and stupid all that goes to waste. someone should be jailed.

There are lessons i learn. You might have 2 degrees,Masters,Phd,money,family,influence but all that does not make you responsible. If you are ignorant and stupid all that goes to waste.
someone should be jailed.

So? I do research for what? Don't you have ears to listen he is saying it's a country in east africa that will betray its vice president???

So? I do research for what? Don't you have ears to listen he is saying it's a country in east africa that will betray its vice president???

Who knows whereabouts the inua marinda na church harambees Ama Ziko on maternity leave??

Who knows whereabouts the inua marinda na church harambees
Ama Ziko on maternity leave??

You hypocritically pretend to know english but you fail to understand the meaning of the word *Barely*. Brainwashed Blind Sychophant

You hypocritically pretend to know english but you fail to understand the meaning of the word *Barely*. Brainwashed Blind Sychophant

Viewing does not necessarily mean that entire audience endorses his pursuits.The fall of Idi Amin is watched by millions of earthlings daily.

Viewing does not necessarily mean that entire audience endorses his pursuits.The fall of Idi Amin is watched by millions of earthlings daily.

DP Ruto is a self-established politician. A renowned King maker. Multi-billionare businessman.. That's all that matters

DP Ruto is a self-established politician. A renowned King maker. Multi-billionare businessman.. That's all that matters

Use civility as you engage.You don't have to brand me a sycophant yet nothing evidences the same,in the context herein.

Use civility as you engage.You don't have to brand me a sycophant yet nothing evidences the same,in the context herein.

Would Ruto have become deputy president without the express input of Uhuru? Where did you drop your sense of reciprocity? Where is your sense of political symbiosis? Where is your sense of political pedaling?

Would Ruto have become deputy president without the express input of Uhuru? Where did you drop your sense of reciprocity? Where is your sense of political symbiosis? Where is your sense of political pedaling?

Uhuru would still have become president without Ruto.He would have carried the day even if he picked any sub chief for the running mate.

Uhuru would still have become president without Ruto.He would have carried the day even if he picked any sub chief for the running mate.

You could be inebriated as we discuss here.Your debris belongs to the ablutions.

You could be inebriated as we discuss here.Your debris belongs to the ablutions.

Don't lose yourself in the plot trying to justify your meaningless rant. Even if you bring oxford dictionary here. The uthamaki political conmanship still betrays you

Don't lose yourself in the plot trying to justify your meaningless rant. Even if you bring oxford dictionary here. The uthamaki political conmanship still betrays you

Spare me your school yard tantrums.This is not a gimmickry arena.Keep to the debate.

Spare me your school yard tantrums.This is not a gimmickry arena.Keep to the debate.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Raila vs Ruto& BBI Initiatives

When Raila joined Kanu just as an Mp,he made sure that Kisumu and Mombasa became cities. When he was Roads and public Works minister,we saw several highways coming up ie,Western ,Eastern and southern bypasses done and this reduced traffic on Uhuru highway.

We saw Kibera slum upgrading project. He brought money to the elderly every month. He and Kibaki introduced CDF. Raila stood firm for a new Constitution that has made people like Sang to build a hse for 250m and Ruto to build 1.2b palace.

During Nusu mkate, Raila made sure that Kisumu got international standard airport , several supper highways brought. Nothern lapset corridor and Lamu port initiated.
Since handshake, we have seen Kisumu lake Victoria port operating again since Moi grounded it. Ahero Migori highway almost completion,Fish cooling storage plants are in place.

The Nairobi -Kisumu Railway being renovated and new locomotives ordered already,soon there will be launched by his Excellency Uhuru.
During Narc Gov ,he asked Kibaki to crap away tax on motorbike importation to creat employment to the youth. This created employment to over 6m youths.

Now that was Lord of poverty.
What has Lord of wealth done to people of Rift valley since YK92?
Now DP had full opportunity to make Eldoret airport be like Jkia. How many factories has he brought to Kitale,Kapsabet,Soy,Eldoret and Kapsiret? Instead looted money for public dam Kimwarer and Arror ,so sad.

Nationally,we have seen grabbing of public lands ,ie,Karen,KAA land currently holding number of appartments sold to only Indians.
Now you know who is Lord of poverty.

They only tell people that Ruto must be president and abusive languages. They don't have any Single agenda to convince people about his development record.


It is very unfortunate that the person and a lecturer who was once over proxies having assaulted CU students with a panga is the chief campaigner of prof. Njoka. Prof. Might be a good person but his team is wanting. This guy is extremely dangerous.

How many Kenyan businesses still make good genuine money? What if I told you the reason for this sorry state of affairs is the rotten, corrupt, incompetent and greedy Kenyan leadership?
I know many busy bodies will come up with mundane excuses like...the world economics, the war in Syria or even Global warming just to sound intelligent.
The bad news is, from 2013, we have been going down. Poor leadership where one part has been campaigning non stop and the other part has been busy acquiring monopolies leaving Kenyans to pay debts whose benefits cannot be seen. We are in serious trouble.

If his/her phone never rings whenever you are together; if it is always placed face down, if you feel some distant vibration in their pocket or bag..don't be a fool. Let us stop corruption

What is the job of a Deputy President? In our country it is to campaign for 10 years using State resources and on full salary.

What is the job of a Deputy President? In our country it is to campaign for 10 years using State resources and on full salary.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

It should be obvious to Ruto and his rabid supporters that there is NO Jubilee and no debt owed to him by Uhuru. ODM mandarins have not wasted time to throw jibes at him at every opportunity. I still remember how his face used to glow whenever Uhunye said.. "zangu kumi na za ndugu yangu William kumi". Someone tell Ruto's supporters that they need to use brain and strategy not poridge and primitive thinking because things are thick.

It should be obvious to Ruto and his rabid supporters that there is NO Jubilee and no debt owed to him by Uhuru. ODM mandarins have not wasted time to throw jibes at him at every opportunity.
I still remember how his face used to glow whenever Uhunye said.. "zangu kumi na za ndugu yangu William kumi".
Someone tell Ruto's supporters that they need to use brain and strategy not poridge and primitive thinking because things are thick.


Arabs have a prophet, the whites have had Jesus and other prophets, what do we Africans have? From 1880s we were told Jesus is coming back "soon", how many generations have gone by?
How comes no Arab wants to use an African name? How comes there are no whites who want to use African names whereas we're too eager to use theirs?
I know a few people who would stone me if I was walking by their neighborhoods but these are valid questions.


If his/her phone never rings whenever you are together; if it is always placed face down, if you feel some distant vibration in their pocket or bag..don't be a fool. Let us stop corruption


This Sunday, share the connection between poor leadership and poverty to everyone who borrows a few coins from you. Show them how corruption and theft of public resources has landed them where they are. Tell them God provided them with a brain to differentiate what is right and what is wrong. Don't talk about Jerusalem, talk about Mathare, Kibra, Kaptembwa and Langas.

Ruto n uhuru fail

This country has been messed up by two men. The tragedy is, Kenyans think recycling the second one will undo the stinking mess completely forgetting that he has been in the kitchen all along stealing the food and poisoning the remnants.

Pres community

The reason why entire communities fight to have the Presidency is the belief that "once our own is there, we get all government appointments". What the President is doing now is just that; Tribalizing every government department. Some people may celebrate this but the truth is, such selfish moves fragments and disenfranchises the country further.
We desire a country where no one would care where the president comes from because justice, equity and transparency would be our guiding principles. Siasa Mbaya Maisha Mbaya.

Maji bara

"Maji, stima na barabara" is what Ruto always speak about yet what this country needs are industries and conducive business environment. Let us look at each.

Maji-The only water available is because of efforts of communities, some country government but mostly personal efforts of individuals.

Stima- all last mile power is switched off in my home area because no one could afford the monthy Kshs.240! Besides, the proponets milked KPLC dry.

Barabara- Roads and railways developed have the pattern of favouring tjise in power. Wherever a new road leads, there is a hotel, home or businesses of thebig shots. Most roads act as cash cows for political class.

Besides, all the above form part of the least a government must provide to its people, not favors. The DP should be advised to stop using these tired words and the youth should start booing when he says this because these are lies and emty talk. Lwt me not even mention what he calls "kazi kwa vijana wetu".


Marying across tribes and communities leads to better and superior breeds of people. It is called gene pooling. The stereotypes associated with each tribe in Kenya is because the same genes have been circulating for generations within the tribes making the new generations possess poor quality genes compared to their predecessors.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Unless Americans are very daft a war with Iran will be devastating for them..... You don't go to war with people who have been suffering from dryspell and are promised 72 virgins and think you will win.. These guys are ready to die unlike the Americans who are not......

Apart from the 2nd world war where it nuked Japan into submission, remind me any other country that America ever went into war with,...... defeated and left peacefully....any where...?? US forces were roasted in the Philippines, they were roasted in Vietnam ,roasted and dragged through streets of Mogadishu by Somalis and now being roasted in Afghanistan and Iraq, with trillions of dollars and latest war machines......

War is not about having military bases or latest killers machines, it's about determination,.... bravery and ability to win hearts.....Given similar weapons to those they're fighting, do you think America can stand a day in any battlefield.....? Definitely NO!..