Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Unless Americans are very daft a war with Iran will be devastating for them..... You don't go to war with people who have been suffering from dryspell and are promised 72 virgins and think you will win.. These guys are ready to die unlike the Americans who are not......

Apart from the 2nd world war where it nuked Japan into submission, remind me any other country that America ever went into war with,...... defeated and left peacefully....any where...?? US forces were roasted in the Philippines, they were roasted in Vietnam ,roasted and dragged through streets of Mogadishu by Somalis and now being roasted in Afghanistan and Iraq, with trillions of dollars and latest war machines......

War is not about having military bases or latest killers machines, it's about determination,.... bravery and ability to win hearts.....Given similar weapons to those they're fighting, do you think America can stand a day in any battlefield.....? Definitely NO!..

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