Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Deep State.

1. Joho once dared the system, the GSU Officers Blocked Him From Attending Mtongwe Ferry Relaunch Led by Uhuru in Mombasa, it is in the record that Joho peed on his jeans at Migori when he claimed that he was Simba.

2.  Murkomen and Kindiki once threatened the system now they are just senators and backbenchers.

3. Waititu insulted the system now he is mwananchi like me.

4. Oscar Sudi insulted and dared Uhuru to step in Kapseret the following week Uhuru held a function and was denied to address.

5. Senator Charargei once chest thumbed agonist the system, the dude answered his call in another county in Nyanza.

6. Ndindi Nyoro once touched Kamanda, the boy spent his night at Citizen TV table.

7. Susan Kihika rubbished her bosses now she is forgotten.

8. Miguna Miguna dared the system, the following day found himself in another continent without Kenyan Nationality docs.

9. Governor Sonko once dared the system now he is suspended kafana.

10. Babu Owino insulted the system, the following week remains a story to narrate.

11. Duale stopped supporting the system now he has been reduced to header.

12. DP. William Ruto ignored the system, now he is crying foul to defeat it.

12.  Agwambo dared the system and took presidency oath, now he is the system.

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