Saturday, May 16, 2020


Raila's Official Names;

1. Agwambo

Agwambo is Luo term that is used to refer to someone who has some supernatural powers that differentiate him from other human beings.

This term is synonymous given Raila's political muscles particularly at his backyard in the country where he commands huge support and those seeking to vie for any political seat in the in country rely on his blessings to make it through.

2. Jakom

Jakom is also a Luo term which refers to somebody who is holding the chairperson position, leading a group of followers or simply a person in position of power.

Given he comes from the Luo community, this term is commonly used to identify him as the leader of the tribe, leader of Opposition and ODM party.

3. Baba

Baba has been one of the long standing title that Kenyans have used to refer to the political enigma given his long history in politics.

The name is used symbolically as an elder who guides his followers and whatever he says is what they follow.

4. RAO

RAO has been in existent for as long as Raila Odinga has lived in politics since his early years in politics.

RAO is an abbreviation of his official name Raila Amolo Odinga.

5. People's President

The title became famous after the controversial swearing in at Uhuru Park where Raila Odinga was declared the people's president despite the fact that he lost in a hotly contested presidential election in August 2017.

6. Arap Mibei

This is a Kalenjin term that refers to someone who helps one to cross over a river or water.

In the context of Raila Odinga, this term is often used just as the Joshua term that is used to refer to Raila as one who helped people cross the river.

The term became synonymous during his narrations on his symbolic role in leading his followers to cross the biblical River Jordan during the 2017 General Elections.

7. Owadgi Akinyi

Owadgi means a brother to, therefore, the term refers to a brother to Akinyi.

Raila's sister Wenwa Akinyi Odinga Oranga is currently the Consul General at the Kenya Consulate in Los Angeles, USA.

8. Enigma
Raila has been branded as a person who is mysterious or difficult to understand political.

9. Tinga
The name was given to Baba due to his passion on heavy vehicles like his Range KCS002D & The Hammer.

Go vote for others and leave the rest to me.

Thursday, May 14, 2020


When Jeff asked Atwoli his prediction on Kibra by election, Atwoli smashed his phone on the floor and said, “By 10am, Imran will be the Member of Parliament for Kibra. Take it to the bank and I have no apologies to make over the same,” it came to pass.

After this statement he raised his hands and looked at the skies, wept and lamented, " I want you to write this down, 2022 we will go to the election to elect the president and people will vote in high number because we will have changed the constitution, you will elect president, his deputy, prime minister and others … but I want to tell you one thing, the name of one William Samoei Ruto will not be on the ballot,”. He removed his handkerchief...

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


I have been trying to keep off the theatrics until I saw comments to the effect that ODM should not celebrate what's happening to Tangatanga lest it happens to us.

What do you mean? Our political life has been ALL about this. Betrayal upon betrayal; denial of rights; disregard of the rule of law to our disadvantage. We are so used to it. I was born into it and I have lived it. It feels soooooooooo good that the spotlight is on another.

My brother, my sister, we have been called names, we have been mocked, we have been ostracized! We have cried, we have cursed, we have abused and we have gone mute we ha fought back. We have prayed, we have fasted, we have quoted verses in the Bible and the Constitution.

If you are like me, dance like there is no tomorrow. Laugh like corona virus is extinguished, jump higher than the Maasai. Such occurrences in our quarters is as rare as the eclipse. It may well be the only time you laugh in this political lifetime. Do not be cheated that we should not because we don't know about tomorrow. I know I am happy today because today I am not the child of a squatter. As for tomorrow, usitudanganye bwana.

The way n truth

Agwambo is the way, the truth, and the Enigma. No Tangatanga  can come to the Uhuru except through him.
Tangatanga should cry to him for Uhuru to go slow.

The way n truth

Agwambo is the way, the truth, and the Enigma. No Tangatanga  can come to the Uhuru except through him.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tanga demos

No demonstrations in Eldoret to protest the president's move.

No chaos in Nakuru to show displeasure over the mistreatment of Ruto wing.

No maandamano in Mombasa over president Kenyatta betraying his deputy.

No burning tires in Narok and/or Mandera over president's move to axe Ruto allies.

No violence in Kakamega to protest leadership changes in the Senate.

Central Kenya is as quiet as still waters.

It is business as usual in Nairobi cbd.

Ruto should forget the presidency and become a pastor.

Pnu corona

radies and gentoromen, in the rast twendi foo hawas we waa ebo to test 19 senetaas and two key allies have already been removed from office...out of this one is a mero and one is a femero, one is from nakuru and one from eregeyo marakwet! If we kontiniuu to behave nomaree, this jubilee is going to treat us abnomaree


I think Murken is living in a denial world. Still untill now he cannot accept the fact that he's not a Majority leader.
He's still emphasizing that the is still a codial relationship  between the President and deputy president. Why is Murkomen forcing himself to the President??

Monday, May 11, 2020

Wisdom of fools

And some blind Tangatanga will be like, "Uhuru and Ruto are still together, Jubilee is still intact, this is a game they're playing, they just want to corner Raila Odinga. Uhuru will betray him at last, it will end in tear".
Helooooo, wake up from that dangerous dream before you wet your pants. A friendly game can't foot such extreme ends.

Odm brain game


1. ODM inner game, they wanna Wiper, ANC &Ford K to leave & join Jubilee to have all Minority posts.

2. Gideon Moi is being used to deliver & is not the only: Uhuru wants to swallow ALL parties but apart from ODM.

3. Wiper is eyeing Speaker National Assembly (for Kalonzo) & Deputy Maj. Whip (Mutula Jnr).

4. Senate Leadership changes is about Jubilee NEC; Ruto has 6 (-2) votes, Uhuru 4 (+1) votes.

5. ANC want to tame Malala in Senate & also is promised Senate Speaker (for Mudavadi).

6. FORD-K is promised Deputy Speaker(Senate) for Wetangula &Dep. Maj Whip-Chris Wamalwa.

7. ODM wanna get Minority Leaders, Deputies, Minority Whips, Deputies & all Minority Chairs.

8. Speaker Muturi is promised to go to Cabinet; Lusaka they want out; Duale to stay but lukewarm.

9. Lusaka shd know if he remove Kihika & OKM Jubilee NEC passes Coalitions & impeach him.

10. Handshake wants to control Parliament to bulldoze BBI Constitutional Bill through it, fast!


Wisdom of fools

And some blind political souls be like, "Uhuru and Ruto are still together, Jubilee is still intact, this is a game they're playing, they just want to corner Raila Odinga".
Helooooo, wake up from that dangerous dream before you wet your pants.
A friendly game can't foot such extreme ends.

Jp constitution

Murathe amesema JP Constitution gives the President powers to make serious decisions on behalf of NEC especially when there's an emergency like Corona. So hii kelele ya Tangatanga kwisha. Articles 7, 9 of their party. Case closed.


Duale amenyamaza anafakiria tumesahau yeye n outgoing N/A majority leader

Murathe sumarry interview


David Murathe: Every Jubilee senator was invited by means of SMS by the party leader himself.

David Murathe: Tomorrow, the  senate speaker shall receive list of attendees, their signatures.

David Murathe: Even national assembly must toe the line.

David Murathe: DP Ruto did not attend because he was busy in his Karen home whipping senators not to attend the state house meeting.

David Murathe: Some senators were out to sabotage the party leader.

David Murathe: senators who skipped the meeting should have attended the meeting and vote against the changes instead of boycotting.

David Murathe: The divorce is not about the husband, it's because of the randy wife who is tangatangaring with young boys

David Murathe: I am still the Jubilee vice chair because my resignation was turned down.



David Murathe: Every Jubilee senator was invited by means of SMS by the party leader himself.

David Murathe: Tomorrow, the  senate speaker shall receive list of attendees, their signatures.

David Murathe: Even national assembly must toe the line.

David Murathe: DP Ruto did not attend because he was busy in his Karen home whipping senators not to attend the state house meeting.

David Murathe: Some senators were out to sabotage the party leader.

David Murathe: senators who skipped the meeting should have attended the meeting and vote against the changes instead of boycotting.

David Murathe: The divorce is not about the husband, it's because of the randy wife who is tangatangaring with young boys

David Murathe: I am still the Jubilee vice chair because my resignation was turned down.

Senate sakary

Senator without portfolio Salary is Ksh710,000
While Senator with a portfolio gets 1,050,000 now you know Makasiriko ni ya Nini 🤣🤣



In politics you must understand that;
(1). Nobody has your interests.

(2). Everybody is chasing their own interests.

(3). Dealing with politicians is like sleeping with tigers; you must always have your eyes wide open.

(4). In any Political equation, there's always someone being used. If you can't find one then it is you.

(5). Serving Politicians is like being a bandage on a wound. Once the wound is healed your usefulness ends. Politicians don't recognize and reward value they recognize their own needs and you are only as useful as the lifespan of their need for you.

(6). In Politics never wail more than the bereaved. They will get the reward while you inherit their enemies.

(7). In Politics, in any event that other interests conflict with your own interests and you have to choose, always choose yours.

(8). Never cross oceans for Politicians; you will drown and the best they will do is give a benevolent speech at your burial, lie to your widow and children and eat your food. Politicians will never cross the streets for their foot soldiers.

(9). Don't kill yourself for their ambition or put your life at risk for any politician.

(10). Above all, Family and Health are things you should never use to attack a man. Politics is never that serious.

(11). Lastly to all the Youths, it's too risky to sacrifice your Career, Health, Personal Character, Social capital and integrity in pursuit of short term and temporary rewards, offered by Politicians, unless of course you are the one in control and have a long term game .


Friday, May 8, 2020



✓INTEGRITY- His integrity is beyond reproach. He has never in his life been implicated in any ficious scandal, corrupt underdealings or forgery and theft.. he has a clean bill of health in matters public service

ACADEMICALLY APPROVED_Prof.Njoka cleared his primary, secondary and tertiary education in record time.. He is now among the learned elite in the county.

✓MANAGERIAL EXPERIENCE_ He has along spanning experience of more than 40 years in the public & private service where he has tremendously grown in cadres. A good example is Chuka University.

✓PHILANTROPY_ Prof. Is known of assisting residents of County by giving them jobs in his private firms, giving less fortunate and bright students bursaries, shopping ,assisting the qualified students to get admission to different colleges and universities.

With Prof. Njoka the county is destined to greatness.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

County tarmac

Within a span of 2yrs Governor Njuki has opened & tarmacked up more than 150 km of new roads and more than 350km of roads have been graveled. He has constructed dozens of bridges and box culverts.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Tharaka nithi votes

William Ruto did not make Uhuru the President!!....But, Uhuru made William Ruto the Deputy President.

Deputy President nicely quoted his price, was paid in full to join the ticket, the payment was to give the ticket a wider more nationalistic outlook and avoid the situation akin to 2007 when Kibaki 'won' with only Mt Kenya votes after pulling Tharaka Nithi on Agwambo. Thats what the System wanted to avoid. Otherwise, the system had already settled on Uhuru and they were going to make him President at all cost.

Kalenjins just followed Ruto into Jubilee. They were auctioned like Chiken at Kambi Kuku Market.