Saturday, May 16, 2020


Raila's Official Names;

1. Agwambo

Agwambo is Luo term that is used to refer to someone who has some supernatural powers that differentiate him from other human beings.

This term is synonymous given Raila's political muscles particularly at his backyard in the country where he commands huge support and those seeking to vie for any political seat in the in country rely on his blessings to make it through.

2. Jakom

Jakom is also a Luo term which refers to somebody who is holding the chairperson position, leading a group of followers or simply a person in position of power.

Given he comes from the Luo community, this term is commonly used to identify him as the leader of the tribe, leader of Opposition and ODM party.

3. Baba

Baba has been one of the long standing title that Kenyans have used to refer to the political enigma given his long history in politics.

The name is used symbolically as an elder who guides his followers and whatever he says is what they follow.

4. RAO

RAO has been in existent for as long as Raila Odinga has lived in politics since his early years in politics.

RAO is an abbreviation of his official name Raila Amolo Odinga.

5. People's President

The title became famous after the controversial swearing in at Uhuru Park where Raila Odinga was declared the people's president despite the fact that he lost in a hotly contested presidential election in August 2017.

6. Arap Mibei

This is a Kalenjin term that refers to someone who helps one to cross over a river or water.

In the context of Raila Odinga, this term is often used just as the Joshua term that is used to refer to Raila as one who helped people cross the river.

The term became synonymous during his narrations on his symbolic role in leading his followers to cross the biblical River Jordan during the 2017 General Elections.

7. Owadgi Akinyi

Owadgi means a brother to, therefore, the term refers to a brother to Akinyi.

Raila's sister Wenwa Akinyi Odinga Oranga is currently the Consul General at the Kenya Consulate in Los Angeles, USA.

8. Enigma
Raila has been branded as a person who is mysterious or difficult to understand political.

9. Tinga
The name was given to Baba due to his passion on heavy vehicles like his Range KCS002D & The Hammer.

Go vote for others and leave the rest to me.

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