Wednesday, May 13, 2020


I have been trying to keep off the theatrics until I saw comments to the effect that ODM should not celebrate what's happening to Tangatanga lest it happens to us.

What do you mean? Our political life has been ALL about this. Betrayal upon betrayal; denial of rights; disregard of the rule of law to our disadvantage. We are so used to it. I was born into it and I have lived it. It feels soooooooooo good that the spotlight is on another.

My brother, my sister, we have been called names, we have been mocked, we have been ostracized! We have cried, we have cursed, we have abused and we have gone mute we ha fought back. We have prayed, we have fasted, we have quoted verses in the Bible and the Constitution.

If you are like me, dance like there is no tomorrow. Laugh like corona virus is extinguished, jump higher than the Maasai. Such occurrences in our quarters is as rare as the eclipse. It may well be the only time you laugh in this political lifetime. Do not be cheated that we should not because we don't know about tomorrow. I know I am happy today because today I am not the child of a squatter. As for tomorrow, usitudanganye bwana.

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