Friday, May 8, 2020



✓INTEGRITY- His integrity is beyond reproach. He has never in his life been implicated in any ficious scandal, corrupt underdealings or forgery and theft.. he has a clean bill of health in matters public service

ACADEMICALLY APPROVED_Prof.Njoka cleared his primary, secondary and tertiary education in record time.. He is now among the learned elite in the county.

✓MANAGERIAL EXPERIENCE_ He has along spanning experience of more than 40 years in the public & private service where he has tremendously grown in cadres. A good example is Chuka University.

✓PHILANTROPY_ Prof. Is known of assisting residents of County by giving them jobs in his private firms, giving less fortunate and bright students bursaries, shopping ,assisting the qualified students to get admission to different colleges and universities.

With Prof. Njoka the county is destined to greatness.

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