Sunday, April 26, 2020

MJi barabara

Maji, stima na barabara" is what Ruto always speak about yet what this country needs are industries and conducive business environment. Let us look at each.

Maji-The only water available is because of efforts of communities, some country government but mostly personal efforts of individuals.

Stima- all last mile power is switched off in my home area because no one could afford the monthy Kshs.240! Besides, the proponets milked KPLC dry.

Barabara- Roads and railways developed have the pattern of favouring tjise in power. Wherever a new road leads, there is a hotel, home or businesses of thebig shots. Most roads act as cash cows for political class.

Besides, all the above form part of the least a government must provide to its people, not favors. The DP should be advised to stop using these tired words and the youth should start booing when he says this because these are lies and emty talk. Lwt me not even mention what he calls "kazi kwa vijana wetu".

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