Sunday, April 26, 2020

Pr mudslides

Kenyans are too easy to fool. Murkomen flies to Elgeiyo Markwet  with choppers worth a billion shillings - probably paid for by stolen money, takes selfies with scared and cold citizens. For a good measure, he lambastes some government officials "for not caring for the common man". His sycophantic entourage looking so important and feigning deep sadness. 

He and his hangers on forget that landslides are phenomena caused by, among other factors, deforestation, lack of water catchment systems like dams and poor settlement location. Poverty and corruption has driven people to cut down trees to burn charcoal for sale, a non functional government has failed in ensuring that citizens settle on safe areas while known politicians have looted dams funds.

Some politicians must stop theatrics of appearing as saviors when they're the ones who put citizens in the very mess. But of course, the easy to please Kenyans are full of praise for a guys who are dancing on their gravely matters.

Sadly, even the learned here settle for that stupid PR exercise. Was it a must that he appears there yet he cannot pull out a survivor or administer first aid?

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