Sunday, April 28, 2019

Bwana Governor the post you made yesterday responding to Kindiki was reckless and demeaning.. I need to point several things which you must avoid in future or and amend.

1. Always make a post while you are sobber ( in the said post the paragraphing and grammar was very poor coming from you not to mention the flow it looks as if you were in hurry)

2. Never mention your competitor by name or position when fighting.

3. If someone has castigates you via audio media, don't run to fight via writings wait for the next funeral or wedding to respond.

4. Sometimes its good to watch and maintain your silence. Never respond to every dog that barks.

5. Responding to some allegations are better left to keyboard warriors even Ruto has employed Kina Itumbi.. Organise your online time..

6. Your Facebook page and account should be group by themselves, it looks petty when one gets your post in Public groups. Imagine Uhuru posting in Kilimani Mums so that to reach many people! Make your post in your page and accounts only and let people share. In groups, the Admins of the groups have the right to make the post go slow or even delete it the you have no powers. The county and it's departments too need to have their pages.

7. Some of your posts are very petty. They don't even attracts 10 likes. Why? Not everything one does must be in Facebook. We don't want to know where you went to church or wedding try to limit. Tells us something profiting Tnc.

8. Have you ever heard of post boosting? Yes this means making a post, paying for it so that it can reach many people. That what people does and that why you shall be seeing Waititu's post yet you are not his friends reading 5K likes n comments. Those posts trends.

9. Never try to justify your sediments in the Facebook walls, you will attract more roasting.

10. Finally i know that you are busy and most probably these posts are done on your behalf, can you reconsider hiring a real blogger and propagandist these people operating that account are no.

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