Friday, April 19, 2019

So when Chuka Igambangombe went into the ballot box year 2017 were tired, they simply wanted their town to be carpeted, mama soko wanted a conducive environment to sell her merchandise, equitable bursary fund distribution, good road network, farmers wanted milk coolants, name them...

Now when Njuki took over, Tnc residents wanted, Water, roads, bridges, ethnic uniting, HQ & market construction and expansion, agricultural promotion , health service ascenting..

After long soul searching the voters were confused if Njuki could dragoon the demolition of houses built along road reserve which previous regimes were unable.

The residents decided to try Njuki,  fortunately he delivered. His art pulled interest from neighbouring constituencies this gave Njuki a clean gubernatorial walk over.

Challenges are always welcomed, but now that Njuki has delivered 60% within 2yrs voters have nothing to say but kazi iendelee..

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