Monday, April 22, 2019

Hon Ndindi Nyoro has tabled a motion in parliament to make corruption a capital offence (punishable by death) ..I think this is bull crap,it is a legal way of trying to protect thieves by making it look like we are merciless on corruption.

Anyone will tell you that capital offence cases drag the longest and take the longest to prosecute. A lot of human rights crusade is involved too.

If we are serious about fighting corruption, the punishment should be immediate and involve recovery of the stolen money. If for instance you are found guilty of stealing 20 million, you should be made to pay 20million plus ,30% interest/tax upfront and the prosecution should not take more than 4 months...

Our politicians know us too well and they know the small things that excite us. All Hon.Nyoro is trying to do is protect fellow corrupt politicians legally and make it look like he's fighting corruption..

And please let's stop calling it corruption, what is happening in Kenya is daylight robbery. The term corruption is too posh and legal for it.

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