Wednesday, April 17, 2019

People will mock you, they will call you a loser, they will make memes of you  & Photoshop you in obscene photos, call you a  perennial loser...but they will also never forget that...

2. You suffered in Nyayo torture chambers preserving the dignity of this nation.

2. You are the reason we have a multiparty system...

4. You were a force that liberated us from a tyrant.

4. You gave us a new constitution...

5. Only you could put your presidential bid aside to vigorously campaign for someone who
later turned their back on you...

6. You were a great whistle blower to many scandals that dug deep into our hard earned tax payers money...

7. You shook hands for peace to squeak and economy to grow.

8. These things are too many to mention...

So our dearest Baba in eyes of many you are an icon, you are the Mandela of our Nation...

You are beyond Kenyan presidency, you deserve better...You are the son of this land...

Some years from now my grands will ask me, "Who was Raila Amollo Odinga?" and with tears in my
eyes n a heart full of joy and appreciation, I will proudly tell them, he was Enigma, He is the Baba that had the hugest command of this nation and Africa.

I will beautifullyopen your bibliography page by page read unto them the hearkening stories of how you suffered to bring Kenya where it is today...

It is well Baba, Legends don't die, Legends never get destroyed, Legends never give up...
Legends live to fight another day, Legends are reincarnated in other persons, Legends are

Long live Agwambo.

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