Saturday, April 13, 2019

Laughing stock

Ruto is now a laughing stock, unwanted and embarrassed in Jubilee, his followers being treated like rejects, little attention given to them as no one answers their rhetoric. Sooner or later he will bolt out of that party he keeps on telling us he formed. Arrests are expected slowly by slowly to start crawling towards the doors of the corruption chief as his bucking dogs face  National cohesion commission over hate speech. Some of his backers have had their security withdrawn for unspecified reason.
Now that the CSs have been banned from attending weekend funerals and project launches, one wonders on whose behalf will Kimwarror be launching those 'iko' toilet projects.
With CS. Matiangi having his foot down onto the roles initially held by this politician, which were tactfully but openly removed back to a committee lead by the interior CS, he has since been released to join MCAs in their wards telling Kenyans lies and harping venoms on perceptions of 'am the target'
His sources of cash and loopholes of theft and plunder of public funds and also lands have been sealed.

This is to keep him out there in cold drained as he has to feed and pay for drinks and accommodation including logistical mobilization of crowds each weekend without refill and also pay people like Khalwale , Ndindi, Murkomeno , Waititu & Aisha to shout in his podium. It's tactical than firing him, he is to be left isolated for about six months then he will be left with nothing than to bolts off.

There is nothing frustrating when you are in the cabinet without portfolio and limited budget let alone powers to hire nor fire. Dr. Kimwarrer arap Arror as we speak can't pick up his direct line and make those threatening calls of do this like this and that as he was found doing before.

All state corporations have been put in high alert not to take his instructions however good they might look to be. All contracts inflated by him have not been paid and will not be paid for as the CS treasury looses his rights on funds movement to his PS.

These are the first few means amongst many that the president and government has put in place to tame and finish the corrupt person who has veered off the road of good governance and is seen to contradict his boss on each and every directive and executive orders in broad day light.

If it was not the new constitution that took powers from the president to fire his deputy, by now Kimwarror would have been in prison over graft let alone having been fired. That anger you see in him each time he opens up his mouth is because he has been sidelined and rendered unfit to be heard. Threats of violence are nothing to go by. The security organs, heads and strategic plans are set and can handle any form of violence instigated by politicians. Situations have changed it is never like it was in 2007.

Preparedness is on set, security arrangements starting from the Military formed of Kenya Airforce, Kenya Navy and Kenya Army, NIS, NPS and Forest, CTU and the NYS are all set to manage any form of threat of peace so to us, some pronouncements we hear made by dry mouthed politicians are just but empty drums.
President Uhuru Kenyatta said he will loose friends and create others along the way. He is making more friends than losing some of which are still hitching onto lose joints.

What do you want to do with a burdensome, corrupt and rogue person in Kenya today if you have Hon. Raila Odinga and his entire team on your side and have signed a pact with you?

President Uhuru Kenyatta will get ruthless with thieves, clean up the system and put in place fresh controls.
Uhuru Kenyatta now sleeps and wakes up strong since he has an experienced think tank and a seasoned  leader with an international office on his side that is why we see a lot of official movements and foreign dignitaries trooping to Capital Hill, they don't go there to listen to his parables, they attend to the call of duty.

I don't remember seeing even an Italian ambassador where dam deal was sealed going to even have a puff of cigarettes at Harambee House Annexe but see tribal chiefs, beggars and blogger if not dealers.
We may as well forget about asking Dr. Kimwarror to account and return stolen wealth but allowing him to live on them for the period of time left before the next polls and sealing off fresh roots of theft in itself is enough to starve a cat  sooner or later the cat will groan and start eating its own kittens.

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