Monday, December 30, 2019

The ongoing demonstrations are politically motivated and funded by power greedy politicians who are eyeing for elective positions come 2022,it's known that some of the aspirants are already holding late night meetings at a  university and some hotels associated with some of them,the motive behind the demos is branding the county government has a failed government and to raise political temperatures in the county.
If you doubt my statement ask yourself why the Maabi and Rukundi demonstrations were all posted by the Muthenge propagandist who has never seen anything positive on Governor Njuki's Administration.

 Mbungu P.o fluclox 500 mg bd x5/7 P.o brustan I TDs x 5/7

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Plagiarism isn't a crime but it's illegal

Party of poor

"When you give a lunch or a dinner,do not invite your friends or your brothers or your rich neighbours -for they will invite you back,and in this way you will be paid for what you did.
When you give a feast ,invite the poor ,the crippled,the lame and the blind  and you will be blessed,because they are not able to pay you back.
God will repay you on the day the good people rise from death."
It's for this reason Prof Njoka decided to celebrate the Christmas day with Chuka town urchins and 'hustlers'
God bless the Good prof
God bless TNC

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Uhuru support

In the eyes of TangaTanga Team, Uhuru Kenyatta simply needs to support William Ruto for presidency and he will be President.

To them elections will be unnecessary. They need to Remember that Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi supported Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and Uhuru and Ruto lost miserably to Mwai Kibaki and Raila Amollo Odinga.

With the power that Moi had, the Government Machinery and Massive Government Resources, Uhuru Kenyatta and William Samoei Ruto still lost to Emilio Mwai Kibaki and Raila Amollo Odinga.

Even if Uhuru Kenyatta declares his Presidential Support to William Samoei Kipchirchir Arap Ruto, William will still lose  the Presidential Election. That goes without saying but I have to say it anyway...


Jomo Kenyatta a Kikuyu ruled from 1963 to 1978(15yrs),Moi a Kalenjin ruled from 1978 to 2002(24yrs),Mwai Kibaki a kikuyu ruled from 2002 to 2012(10yrs) Uhuru Kenyata 2012 to 2022(10yrs).... Kikiyu tribe will not have a candidate in 2022 polls....Ruto is a Kalenjin. he should stop hiding in dynasties... we are talking tribal language here.... it is time for other tribe to unlock the neo colonialism... Kuria, Borana, Luhya, Luo, Maasai, Kamba... etc.... say no to kikuyu or kalenjin president come 2022


Remember Ruto is not interested in serving Kenyans (as the president) . His only mission is to be richer than Kenyattas. The shoe analogy gives a glimpse into this man's mind.

Huduma n

The way I have seen Kenyans obey the Huduma Number nonsense, it shows if Uhuru, Raila, Njonjo Moi, Kalonzo and a bunch of CSs commands them to vote for candidate X or else.. They'll all line up and before the day ends, X is the President. They will never ask questions. They'll just obey. Don't be surprised that your 2 year old son you just registered will vote for candidate X in Constituency W.


I would like to know how these ladies are faring. They were literally crying that Uhuru should never get in contact with Raila.


If we fail to get a serious presidential contender by 2021, we will talk to Matiang'i. Here we better deal with the devil we don't know. He is equally a hustler from a humble family lineage. What this country needs is an almost mad president to face the cartels.


Kenyan proverb repeated over and over by lazy and unthinking cowards, "we know he is a thief and corrupt but which politician is clean?".  Who said we should not think outside the usual dirty suspects?


When Raila opposed the dams project,Ruto led his troops from team tangatanga, against his opinion by claiming that Raila never wanted Kalenjins to get piped water from those dams. However, it's now confirmed that the dams project was a scheem to loot public funds coz 63 b is gone. The entire team tangatanga lead by Murkomen,Kimani Ichungwa,Adan Duale,Oscar Sudi,Didmus Baraza etc must tell Kenyans who stole the 63 b meant for the dams project,why are they silent about the dams scandals?

China loot

China is where it is today because it has zero tolerance on corruption; China kills any corrupt individual.  Japan is where it is today because Public Servants touched by corruption or malpractice commit suicide in what is called "honour death".
In Kenya, the government rewards the corrupt with better posts. The people celebrate the corrupt by voting them to Parliament, Senate and the County Assembly. Imagine how fast things will improve if we were to lynch twenty corrupt Public Servants (rank notwithstanding) in one year.


Nominated MP, Ole Sankok, who is also living with disability is giving his cohorts a bad name. Someone tell him when you're nominated by someone you don't need to behave and think like  dog to show your loyalty. I heard him saying Raila is using a lot of money after (and even before) the handshake that is the reason why we have to pay higher taxes. With such weird thinking by our leaders, are we surprised by the pathetic leadership we have?

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Gvt eats

Revolutions eat their own children. Governments eat their own people. This government will punish you more than it will punish me” ~Sen. James Orengo

Sunday, December 15, 2019


I am not a mjinga

I never voted for Uhuru, because I knew what he stood for, as he had demonstrated nothing but ineptitude in his first term

In fact, I pity those who expect much from him, you were indeed blind

I voted for Raila. Is he the president?

If he went for handshake or leg shake, it didn't happen with my input and so my conscience is clear, that I didn't participate in any "ujinga" like those who voted to retain the status quo

My choice didn't sail through, meaning I never participated in creating this mess

Wajinga are those who voted for Jubilee, which has messed up everything. Don't force us into your "ujinga"

All these nonsense you enumerate for us, as the failures of Jubilee, are the same, we told you before elections, but you were too proud to listen to anyone

You created this mess by voting for Jublee thrice. Don't force us into your "ujinga". Drown alone in your misery


Saturday, December 14, 2019

Did you know that as things stand,Ruto,with
- all the stolen wealth,
-all the central churches he has contributed to,
-all the kiosks in western he has taken tea in,
-all the bananas he has eaten on the streets
-and all the MPs he has splashed money on
cannot even win the vacant Nairobi Governor's post??of the four who follows the big two,he is the most useless with no single support in Kenya's capital city.

His sycophants and clueless bloggers are all making noise from as far as Kapsitet and ainabkoi and Tot. He knows he needs Nairobi to be President but he doesn't know how to even start the search.

He gave it a shot through Mariga but was terribly crashed and screwed in kibera.he rigged out Peter Kenneth and installed Sonko as his political pivot in the capital city in 2022 but has since been uprooted and soon being taken to jail.

His conspiracies around 2022 are being demolished one by one as he helplessly watches...and all makes me very happy. Sometimes his miseries makes me sleep with my shoes that day the President's security hit his nose with the door at Bomas when he tried to creep behind Baba into the big two's secret meeting.


Monday, December 9, 2019


Ruto took advantage...

"In 2017 elections, Kiambu County alone, the President's home,had over 1 million votes.Those who voted for JUBILEE were nine hundred Thousand(900,000). Kiambu is largely dominated by Kikuyus & there is NOT a single  Kalenjin prescience in Kiambu.
In Uasin Gishu County, William Ruto's home, registered voters were,four hundred & fifty thousand & fifty five votes(450,055) NOT even half of Kiambu votes.Those who voted for President Uhuru Kenyatta were slightly over three hundred thousand(300,000),a mere third(1/3RD) of those who voted for Uhuru & Ruto in Kiambu County.
Mark you, Uasin Gishu County has nearly 35% of Kikuyu prescence. In other words,over one hundred & five thousand(105,000) Kikuyus voted for Uhuru & Ruto in Uasin Gishu County.This reduces the Kalenjin votes Uhuru got in Uasin Gishu County to a mere one hundred & ninety five thousand votes(195,000 votes), assuming that not even a single person from other tribes in Uasin Gishu like Luhya,Luo,Kamba,Somali,Maasai,Meru et al did not vote for Uhuru.
In simple terms, it is William Samoei Ruto who used the numerous Kikuyu numbers to defraud his way into the Deputy Presidency's office. It is Ruto who has our debt and not the other way round"-Kabando Wa Kabando.

Bidens on corruption

Corruption is a cancer: a cancer that eats away at a citizen's faith in democracy, diminishes the instinct for innovation and creativity; already-tight national budgets, crowding out important national investments. It wastes the talent of entire generations. It scares away investments and jobs.

Joe Biden

Saturday, December 7, 2019


Awise advice to our youth.Let the law take its course on governor Mike Sonko corruption matter that will be brought before court on Monday.

Let no one misguide by misleading you that on Monday you will stop him from being charged in court by staging unlicenced demonstrations or through picketing.

Never and i mean never try to obstruct justice by breaching already existing peace in creating havoc anywhere in this beautiful city of Nairobi.

Security apparatus of this government is closely monitoring those inciting our youth to cause mayhem by going to the streets staging unlicenced demos/riots.Such attempts by these so called pro-Sonko bloggers will be met by full force of law.

Guys lets remain calm by maintaining peace.Don't accept to be used by any group in causing tension because when arrested you will face consequences of your actions individually but not as a group.

My advice to team Sonko is to advice their leader to hire avoid number of competent lawyers who will fight for him to be set free on Monday. What you guys are doing is only but dwindling his chances of being released on Monday. Your actions might deny him being released on bail/bond.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

embassy official,Mr Allan Eastham, told Raila that they had intelligence indicating that the government was in advance stages of preparing his execution, he told him that the impending arrest was not to be an ordinary arrest but rather an arrest that would cause him bodily harm if not lead to his death, he advised him to be safe and careful.

The police raided his offices at Agip house but missed him since he had gone to Orengo’s office within the same building, a team of lawyers led by Mrs Karua were called in to witness the siege, this foiled the raid and the police called it a day promising to keep the hunt. It was at this point that a decision was made to ensure that Raila Odinga went underground since the government seemed to be serious about killing him.

After a night in Orengo’s house, Nyong’o, Raila and Orengo felt that the house was also not safe, they had to find a safer place to hide Raila from the state. They made a decision to take him Dr kituyi house, Nyong’o drove him to his new home, Raila stayed with Dr Kituyi family for a week while the special branch hunted down for him. On the first night at Kituyi home, the police raided his house in kileleshwa. Ida having been used to the battle refused to open the door, insisting that Raila was not at home, she pretended to be searching for the keys while in fact she was calling the press. She asked the watchman to count the police officers in the compound, when he reached 17, he was beaten to black out.

After a week, the time to move Raila to another location came, the wife of Dr kituyi, Mrs Ling was charged with the responsibility of driving him to the US embassy. She changed Raila beards, fixed him with glasses and fixed his head with a wig, she sat with him behind while Dr kituyi drove with Nyong’o following closely. The trip to the embassy was successful but they refused to host him for fear of crossing President Moi path. From the embassy Nyong’o and Muite drove Raila to Loresho where he stayed with Jalang’o Onyango for a week as they crafted the next course of action.

The catholic church took the issue of Raila a week later, he moved to his sister in law house to meet his children and promised them that he’ll never go back to Detention. A white American nun and father Opiyo got Raila out of Nairobi. They dressed Raila as a priest, gave him glasses and shaved his head clean, Raila became a completely different person after the changes, sitting at the back, Raila read newspapers as they passed the numerous roadblocks mounted on the road by the police. When they reached the catholic station in Kisumu, they booked Raila under the name Father Augustine from Machakos, he was later transferred to Rang’ala mission station and was booked under the same name. His father sent a car to pick him.

At 4 pm, Raila Odinga was moved to Olago Beach where he was to be smuggled out of the country through the lake, he boarded the diesel-powered boat and began his voyage to Uganda, they passed by Ndeda Island to pick up some passengers and left for Uganda at 8pm. After two hours, Hezron Orori, the navigator announced that they were in Uganda, a heavy storm hit the lake later and Orori wife began to shiver, Raila out of humanity lent her his jacket and faced the unforgiving cold himself, Raila turned to a bottle of Vodka given to him by a friend to get some warmth. He spent the night at Sigulu.

With the help of sympathetic Kenyans and Tanzanians living in Uganda, he acquired Ugandan papers, but changed his name to Joseph Ojiwa Wadenya, once in Kampala, he was hosted by one of his friends who worked in his company, the friend reported his arrival to the United Nation High Commission for Refugees, the UNHCR advised Raila to remain underground since the Kenyan government had sent special officers to kidnap him and send him back home, efforts by the Kenyan government to recapture him proved futile due to the hostility of the Ugandan government towards Moi regime. All countries except Norway were willing to host Raila, Norway eventually offered him asylum.

To be moved out of Uganda, Raila had to be disguised once more, Ahmed Sayyid Farah, a Somali national who was the UNHCR country representative in Uganda decided that they were not going to take chances. Farah got Raila Odinga a kanzu with a fez and a jacket similar to those of Uganda Muslims to wear. His name was also changed from Wadenya to Haji Omar, going to mecca for pilgrimage, when he reached Oslo not even his blood sisters who waiting for him could recognize him.

The Norwegian government offered him a job, a house and a passport to visit any country except Kenya, the son of Odinga lived to fight another day”


Raila Odinga and his father Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. [Photo|The ODM Party]There was a day Raila Odinga arrived in Kisumu, Ugenya and Bondo but the people who normally give him a rousing welcome could not recognise him. That was around the time Raila quietly boarded a motorboat at Ndeda Beach in Bondo at 4pm and sailed with other passengers at night to Uganda without being noticed. Travelling under different names, sometimes dressed as a priest and other times as a Sheikh, Raila staged a dramatic escape from Kenya by boat at night, through Lake Victoria to Uganda then to Norway, to avoid arrest just before a 1991 Forum for Restoration of Democracy rally at Kamukunji, Nairobi. That day, Raila was introduced to Kisumu and Ugenya as Father Augustine from Machakos, complete with a priest’s robe. He arrived in Uganda under the name of Joseph Ojiwa Wadeya. By the time he was leaving Uganda for Norway, his name had changed to Haji Omar, going to Mecca on pilgrimage, complete with a kanzu and a fez. The Lang’ata MP would probably be dead today had he not made this dramatic exit. Raila remembers in his biography that as the Ford Young Turks and the six elderly men were mobilising for the Kamukunji rally, a US Embassy official, Alan Eastham, told him they had intelligence that the Government was panicking and blaming Raila for all the tension that had gripped the country then. According to the US Embassy, the Government believed Raila was the man behind the movement despite the fact that Raila held no leadership position in Ford. The Embassy told Raila that he was likely to be arrested two days before the October 5, 1991 rally. It was not going to be an ordinary arrest. "The Moi Government had concluded that Raila no longer feared detention and Eastham warned that they could do him physical harm or assassinate him. The advice was that Raila should take care," the biography, Raila Odinga: An Enigma in Kenyan Politics, says. Police raided Raila’s offices in Agip House, but missed him, as he had gone to lawyer James Orengo’s office within the building. A team of lawyers, including Martha Karua, Japheth Shamalla, Martha Koome and media houses were soon at hand to witness the siege. The raid was foiled. But the struggle was not over. It was after this that Raila, Orengo and Anyang’ Nyong’o decided that it was too risky to play games with "a desperate enemy". From this time on, Raila’s life changed. A decision was taken that Raila should go underground. The solidarity of the Young Turks paid off for him. At that time, Raila, Mukhisa Kituyi, Paul Muite, Oki Ooko Ombaka, Karua, Kiraitu Murungi, Gibson Kamau Kuria, among others, were allies against dictatorship. After a night at Orengo’s place, Nyong’o, Raila and Orengo decided that even that place was not safe enough. Another "trustworthy friend" took over when Raila moved to the home of Dr Kituyi, a long time activist who had been expelled with Otieno Kajwang’ from the University of Nairobi for their role in student politics. Nyong’o drove Raila to Kituyi’s place where the Lang’ata MP stayed for a week while police hunted for him. On the first night at Kituyi’s place, police raided Raila’s home in Kileleshwa. Ida, now used to battles with the police, refused to open, insisting the man was not at home. She pretended to be looking for the keys, while she was in fact calling the press. She asked the watchman to count the police loudly. When he reached 17 they beat him hard. Then they left with a message to Ida to tell Raila, "if he was man enough, he should come to the police station and they would know who they were." It was time to get Raila out of Kituyi’s house, to the US Embassy. The task fell on Kituyi’s wife, Ling, who had to take him through the many roadblocks without police noticing. She changed Raila’s beards and hair, fixed him with glasses and took him to the Embassy with Dr Kituyi driving and Nyong’o following. The Embassy gave audience to Raila, but was not willing to host him. Earlier, it had given exile to Kamau Kuria, to Moi’s chagrin. That day, Raila went to Nyong’o’s house, fearing that police would follow him to Kituyi’s house. Muite showed up. They decided Raila needed to be moved to a friend who was less politically active. They moved him to Jalang’o Anyango’s residence in Loresho where he stayed for another week. From here, Raila issued a statement that his life was in danger. Moi, on the other hand gave an interview where he said Kenya was a one- party State by law and those going against that were guilty. The die was cast. The Catholic Church took over Raila’s issue, with Archbishop Zacheaus Okoth plotting how to get Raila out of Nairobi. Raila moved to his sister-in- law’s house, met his children and promised them he would never go into detention again. A white American nun and a Kenyan priest Father Mak’ Opiyo, dressed in their religious dresses, got Raila out of Nairobi. They also dressed Raila as a priest, gave him glasses and with a clean-shaven head, Raila became a different person. Sitting on the back seat, Raila read newspapers as they passed police roadblocks, where they were easily waved on. That day, even Kisumu could not recognise Raila. When the three reached the Catholic Station in Kisumu, the two priests booked a disguised Raila as Father Augustine from Machakos. He was later transferred to Rang’ala Mission in Ugenya where, again, he was booked in as Father Augustine. His father sent a car to collect him at midnight. It was time for Raila to leave the country by boat. At 4pm, Raila went to Olago beach in Bondo and boarded a diesel- powered boat. The lake was rough that evening, and the driver had to collect other passengers at Ndeda island. They left Ndeda at 8pm and headed for Uganda. "The boat moved slowly using only the moon and the stars for navigation on an initially calm night," the biography says. After two hours, the driver, Hezron Orori, who was also carrying one of his wives who was sick, announced that they were in Uganda. That provided some relief for Raila, before a heavy storm hit the lake. It was cold, and Orori’s sick wife began to shiver. "Raila lent her his jacket and became cold himself," the writer says. Raila turned to a bottle of Vodka a friend had given him. It gave him some warmth. Raila spent the night in Sigulu, one of the formerly Kenyan islands that had been annexed by Idi Amin. Here, with the help of sympathetic Kenyans, Ugandans and Tanzanians, Raila acquired Ugandan papers. But his name changed. He became Joseph Ojiwa Wadeya. In Kampala, Raila landed in the hands of a friend who had worked for his company, the East African Spectre, who reported his arrival to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. Uganda reported to Kenyan authorities that Raila was there. There was fear that Kenyan intelligence forces in Kampala could abduct Raila and return him home. UNHCR asked Raila to remain underground saying Kenya had sent security forces to search for him. But Uganda declined to help the Kenyan forces. Germany, US and Britain, all keen not to ruffle relations with Moi, were reluctant to give asylum to Raila. Only Norway, which had cut relations with Kenya, accepted Raila. To leave Uganda for Norway, Raila had to be disguised again. Ahmed Sayyid Farah, a Somali national who was the UNHCR country representative in Uganda, decided they were not going to take chances. Farah got Raila a kanzu with a fez and a jacket similar to those of Uganda Muslims to wear. His name changed to Haji Omar, going to Mecca on pilgrimage. A friend who had boarded Sabena Airlines in Nairobi could not recognise Raila when he boarded in Kampala. His sisters who waited for him at the airport in Oslo could not recognise him either. Back home, Raila’s wife Ida was still fighting. She issued a press statement detailing why Raila had to, and stubbornly insisted that if anything happened to her husband, she would hold the police responsible. She said thugs had attacked Raila’s car at their gate and a day later, an unidentified persons left a bucketful of faeces on their backyard. Police were calling their house every day and leaving death threats, she said. "The latest telephone message that police will shoot him if they caught up with him is the most terrifying. The police have created a lot of fear in our children with these threats. The children freeze every time the phone rings or whenever there is a knock on the door," Ida protested. "Last week, our daughter broke down in class. I am afraid our children can’t take it anymore. I appeal to the police to stop it for the sake of the children. In this country, all children are supposed to occupy a special place in the hearts of the leaders," Ida said. She insisted that those hunting Raila down were not ordinary policemen. "Never before have I heard policemen leaving death messages to people they intend to arrest. May be the tactics have changed. When they say openly that he will see fire or he will see what he has never seen before or that he will never see the sun again, these messages mean the same thing, that they will kill him." Ida complained that on October 4 1991, a rowdy and rude group of about 20 uniformed and plain clothed policemen attempted to get to their house by force. Earlier, police had invaded East African Spectre and harassed employees, staged continuous surveillance on the company and at Raila’s home. At the company, they left the message that Raila should report to Central Police Station. "It was ominous that when we reported to the Central Police Station, no officer at that station knew about his requirement to report," Ida said in the lengthy statement. "I want to state very clearly and in no uncertain terms that if something happens to Raila, my family will hold police wholly responsible." A day later, Raila’s father, Jaramogi weighed in with a statement asking police to leave his son alone. "I appeal to the Commissioner of Police to put a stop to this nonsense. I appeal to the head of the Special Branch, whose professional duty is to advise the Government on political matters as they relate to the security of society to advise against the Gestapo behaviour." Apparently, Raila had not left the country or even Nairobi, when this statement was issued. But it created the impression that he was out. It was not the first time Ida was showing this act of defiance in what was increasingly becoming a family’s battle with the State. A few years earlier, Ida had been sacked from her teaching job "in public interest." That came after she took the State to court in 1988 to demand Raila’s release. A letter of retirement was delivered to her at Kenya High School on September 12, 1988, telling her to handover all school property and leave within six hours. Nobody, not even the Kenya National Union of Teachers protested. Only the late Bishop Alexander arap Muge did. When international pressure mounted, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) changed tact. Mr J Kang’ali wrote to Ida about a week later: "The TSC has carefully reviewed its decision on this matter and having taken into account your previous record of service as a teacher, it has been decided that you be reinstated back to the teaching service, on humanitarian grounds." TSC declined to take responsibility for the inconveniences to Ida. In early 1991, an uncowed Ida fired a lengthy letter to Attorney General Mathew Muli, demanding to know why Raila was being persecuted. "Why is it that up to now, Raila has not been told specifically what it is that he did to warrant detention without trial? Would you not agree that general reference to his involvement or association with persons is not specific at all? How can he change if his offences are not specified?" she asked. In the end, Norway gave Raila an asylum, a job and a passport that allowed him to travel to all countries except Kenya. He had lived to fight another day and launch an attack on the Nyayo Government from abroad. He returned later to take the Lang’ata seat in 1992.Editor's Note: This story was first published by The ODM Party, December 3, 2017


When Kibaki was in hospital,Raila refused to take power.

When There was war in Kenya 2007/2008 and Kofi Annan came for handshake negotiation,Raila refused to be the president and Kibaki prime minister...Raila refused to take power

When Maraga nullified the 2017 election,Raila refused to view again....he could have defeated Uhuruto...Raila refused to take power.

When Raila was sworn in by Miguna Miguna at Uhuru park,he had peoples assembly,,they were going to collect taxes which could make jubilee gvt not succeed...Raila surrendered to Uhuru... The time is now ripe to take power through a scrupulous process.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Whenever an Idiot argues, he doesn't see the future. Otherwise engaging you makes you think superfluous and your just but possessed by unmeaningful dwarfism in the current status quo

Monday, November 25, 2019


We're tired of the so called youths to rule this country,we need old men of wisdom.
Uhuruto regime has failed Kenyans.. bure kabisa.
Look at kibaki and Raila , their regime led this country to greater prosperity.

Sunday, November 24, 2019


Guys many of you are lost.. You are against those who oppose it as if you know what it's content is.can everyone wait for the report? We ukisema wengine wamekataa juu deputy amekataa,we unasupport juu Mr president and the so called Tinga are in support?Stop being young politically


Raila Odinga alierevuka akajua Kenyans are not worth /fighting for. Saa hi Raila angekuwa anapigana na kamwana watu wangekuwa wanamwita kiħii, RAT, Jeuri, Jinga etc
Kumira Kumira should concentrate on the people they actually woke up 3 am to vote for. Did they deliver the stadiums they promised you? Did they improve the economy? Did they give your kids laptops

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


If I contribute about 2 million shillings every week and broadcasting it loudly, I would attract the attention of; KRA, Central Bank and Anti-Banking Fraud Unit for obvious reasons. Why are these government organs silent on some people?

Dp job

What is the job of a Deputy President? In our country it is to campaign for 10 years using State resources and on full salary.

Dirty moni

John Njue almost made the Catholic Church a tribal religion. He supported Jubilee government like the Mount Kenya Mafia and accepted dirty money in the church  like a Slay Queen. It was refreshing not to see his shifty eyes in a Press Conference by Catholic leaders today.


Let us not forget that we invaded Somalia to flush out Al-Shabaab almost a decade ago because a white French woman was abducted. The war has been costly in monetary  and human terms with no sign of victory soon. Yet when a Kenyan needed help people suddenly start talking about cold water, poor visibility and water pressure.


Za Uhuru na Ruto kumi, also called "The Presidency" zinaishia 2022. They have done their job, whether good or bad, it is now time for a new team.
If anyone donates money to your church, school or you're given some cash in person, take and spend it by all means but don't put incompetence back to govern us again. We deserve better.


Kenyan media are not honest players in passing information to the public. Have you heard any media house doing a follow up story of any corruption case they sensationally broadcast or write about? Latest cases include the Kimwarer dams, Mau land grab, several high profile arrests since NYS One.
Whenever the  government brings out bad policies and laws, the media never dig deeper and ask questions as expected but take the words of the government functionaries as the whole researched truth. Latest examples is the CBC curriculum, Huduma Mamba and the Maasai Mara University heist. The Kenyan media, it seems are either part of the government or using extortion tactics to earn money after those mentioned buy the media silence. No media house has ever tried to analyze the cyclic political violence in Kenya. No media house has ever tried to look closely at IEBC operations.


I will unfriend anyone who says Mugabe was a hero. Which hero creates a 12,000% inflation in his country? Which hero causes death, rape, hunger and massive emigration (people moving away from their country) in his country? Mugabe was a despot just like all other African presidents.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

national flag should be flown at half-mast in Nairobi county in honour of former First Lady Lucy Kibaki, Maendeleo ya Wanawake Organisation said yesterday.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


He will be elected by the National Assembly on a non-renewable 7 year term in office. The president will in turn appoint a Prime Minister.

The bearer of the office shall be appointed by the President from the party that will have majority of MPs. The Prime Minister will form a cabinet.

Senators will be reduced from the current 67 members to 29 members.

Members of the National Assembly will be reduced from the current 349 to 180.

The 47 Counties to be replaced by proposed 14 regions. The regions shall be headed by Regional Governors and shall be allocated 45% of the National Revenue

Monday, October 7, 2019

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hate politics

The educated and knowledgeable of us say "I hate politics" . In the end the scum and rejects become presidents, MPs, Governors and Senators and decide everything for us. Job creation, tax regimes, salaries, commodity cost etc are all driven by politics and it must be handled by the best brains. I challenge all educated and exposed to start developing interest in politics otherwise this country will be ruined by those crooks whom we leave to go to Parliament.


No matter how you pray today, no matter how the pastor anoints you with some oil and no matter how long you  speak in tongues; you'll still be poor, you'll still be jobless, you'll still have poor economy and you'll still have bad leaders unless you make a decision to change all the above situations. Today ask God to help you see things clearly.

Chapter 6

Did you know that 80% of the current leaders can be locked out of elective posts if only we abide by Chapter 6 of our Constitution? I wish we had a court system with a strong enough spine so that any case brought before them on anyone about this Chapter is blocked from running for office. We have the tools to deal with these fools but the citizens are more fools than them.


The world is moving toward Artificial Intelligence, 3D printing and modern engineering but our government is encouraging our kids to become plumbers, witch doctors and painters. The ones promoting these policies have sons and daughters who are doctors, lawyers engineers. No wonder we are moving nowhere; the reason is, the technocrats and politicians have put our standards at the lowest level.


Do away with Religion and replace it with Critical Thinking. We need more thinkers and less religious fanatics.


If Vatican today says  Jesus was black, all Africans will abandon Christianity.


If it is true Keroche owes KRA billions in tax, let them pay. I pay mine without fail why are Kenyans crying about one company even invoking issues like scaring off investors. The word "investor" is a clean word for 'thief' coined by the west for poor countries 
What we should be asking is, who the hell allowed the tax to accumulate to that level, look for that person and lynch him instead of sanitizing a wrong committed by a company.
If we allow Keroche not to pay tax, what will Kenya Breweries think? KBL is even a bigger employer. Let us stop the double standards.


The quality of an MP in Kenya has been so lowered that any joker with a few millions, stolen or otherwise want to be one. We have abserved the shameless, corrupt, greedy and mentally bankrupt but overpaid MPigs and realized that one needs nothing between their ears. Just some money and little brain cells tuned to sycophancy of a tribal chief or a war lord. The voters stopped thinking too. That job has been left to the same leaders responsible for their suffering.


If you elect me as your MP, these are things I will never do;
1. Attend Harambees, instead I will ensure systems are in place to reduce the need of people begging for money
2. I will never attend any political meeting after I am elected; you can elect me back after 5 years ama ikae.
3. I will never go around the country with any party leader or aspiring president to promote his ambitions, after all he/she is the one who wants to be president not me.
4. I will never give anyone any handouts whatsoever so I won't expect anyone in my office other than those coming to talk about serious issues to uplift the constituency.
5. I will not be cruising in a big tinted car with security,  after all, you elected me so what am I afraid of when I'm with my people?
6. Don't expect me to grace any occasions such as "opening" or "ground breaking" project by the President or DP, after all, the projects were funded by you, the tax payer why would I pride myself with that? It is what any government must do to it's people.
7. I will never compete with any of my potential opponents even if they pour money on your heads and promise you heaven because I have a life to live whether you make me an MP or not.

Work other county

We have our own demon called tribalism to deal with so let us not play holier than thou attitude with South Africa. The other day, Kitui County hospital workers were protesting against the County employing people from other Counties. It is a silent rule that with my name, it is not easy for me to get a job in Muranga or any other Mount Kenya region Vounties. Equally, Ephraim Njega,  cannot get a job easily in Uasin Gishu County, Nandi, Baring or Kericho Counties. As we speak, it is like law that a non Somali should not work in North Eastern regions. It is a time bomb and most retrogressive trend. There were days you could meet all Kenyan tribes at any market across the country.


It is a shame that African leaders and the rich go for treatment and die in hospitals abroad. They run down their own facilities, steal all the money for training health care personnel and buying health care equipment then spend the looted money in a foreign land.
What is so hard for the government to put a policy in place that states that all MPs, the entire cabinet, Senate and MCAs including all their families must seek treatment in public health institutions? Believe me, they will campaign, vote and raise tantrums until all government hospitals are at per with Aga Khan hospital.
When that is done, we turn to education. If you are a public servant, all your children must attend public schools.

Dead hero

I will unfriend anyone who says Mugabe was a hero. Which hero creates a 12,000% inflation in his country? Which hero causes death, rape, hunger and massive emigration (people moving away from their country) in his country? Mugabe was a despot just like all other African presidents.


Politicians too kill for wealth. Or what do you call someone who makes a billion shillings meant for providing fresh water to thousands of people dissappear?

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The vigor used by Rift Valley leaders to the extent of sleeping outside Royal media services (citizen) and later at police station, should be applied rescuing young pupil who was radiclued for soiling

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Am starting to believe the words of brother Francis Atwoli,that William Ruto's name will not be in the ballot come 2022.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Tangatanga foot soldiers should cease from twisting statements to satisfy their ego, to my best of knowledge, Uhuru suggested  'Kumi yangu as President & kumi kwa Ruto as Deputy president.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Have you been to Mt.Kenya forest? The place is fully electric fenced and even the local women are not allowed to pick even firewood from the place.

The KWS soldiers ruthless if they find anybody in the forest.But the people living and farming in Mau forest feel targeted and want the government to compensate them?..Watu watoke kwa msitu waachie wanyama.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

I have never seen the deputy president waking up early in the morning and visiting May people.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

“Ignore what others tell you about me, I also support the handshake a hundred per cent,next time you (Raila) have meetings please invite me too, you have left me out completely that is why others had a chance of gossiping negatively about me,” ~Obado 


You cannot have an agenda of your own that is different from that of your principal who is president. To that extent this is a matter that needs to be addressed quickly and president Uhuru should see the need to work with him for the sake of peace and unity,” said Orengo


“There is a dis-function in Jubilee. You cannot have a different agenda from your principal. The ambitions of Ruto are interfering with the tenure of Uhuru,” said Orengo.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Rule no 1: Baba is always right
Rule no 2: Baba is never wrong
Rule no 3: If in doubt, refer to rule no. 1 above

Sunday, August 25, 2019

. I have seen a storm, there are signs that it will rain. There’s is a storm that will take all the Tanga Tanga people to the ocean,” 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

African Union High Representative for Infrastructure Development Raila Odinga has left the country for a one-week visit to Indonesia.

Baba is expected to address the Indonesia-Africa Infrastructure Dialogue set to take place in the city of Bali on Tuesday, August 20 and August 21, 2019.

Saturday, August 17, 2019


 Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report will be the only legitimate document for the referendum question, ODM leader Raila Odinga has said.

I am the DP of this country and l am working since I took an oath to help President Kenyatta,”

“I like the consistency with Raila, he knows what he wants. I even support him on the parliamentary system of government, duale

BBI initiative is a tool to keep Raila busy. Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi a


I am the DP of this country and l am working since I took an oath to help President Kenyatta,” 

Thursday, August 15, 2019


Since kenyatta and odinga started working together, kenya has political calmness and unity and development wise, we are moving forward, the only anti-development devil we have is william Ruto who instead of working with them is concentrating more in 2022 politics and looting billions and giving millions to churches.
While this is not in dispute, there are some politicians whose stains on the garments of their character are extremely stubborn.While Raila's blots are washable,Ruto's stains can not obey any political detergent in our political laundry.Going by the hierarchical superlatives, prudence instructs that one should pick the cleanest in place of the dirtiest.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Populous Mt Kenya region is open to forming a political alliance with Opposition leader Raila Odinga ahead of the 2022 elections, Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru has said.

If it is Raila, he should know that the region will want a piece of his government,” Waiguru said in an exclusive interview on KTN News’ PointBlank.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

to visit the museum of iconic reggae singer Bob Marley and the shrine of Jamaican-born pan africanist Marcus Mosiah Garvey.

Friday, August 2, 2019

“Are you happy? Because I know you are watching! May you not have peace! And vengeance is of the Lord. Na Mungu atatupigania
Chilobae diagnosed with prostrate cancer

May the killers of Chris Msando, the elections technology manager, forever lack peace, a distraught Eva, his widow said Thursday

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Kamkmet ruto dust bin

"In the fullness of time when all these matters are finished and when William Ruto will be in the political dustbin, students of political history will be taught lessons on how not to run for president from a deputy president's perspective. A case study of William Ruto," the Tiaty Member of Parliament said


"We have said that all Kalenjins and the people of Pokot will rally behind Gideon Moi after President Uhuru Kenyatta leaves office. (Kalenjin yote, tumesema sauti ya Wakalenjin na Wapokot wote ya kwamba baada ya Mweshimiwa Kenyatta ni Gideon Moi, " Kamket

Thursday, July 11, 2019

"You understand if I start campaigning now, then this country will be in a campaign mood from tomorrow and nobody will be talking about the Big Four agenda. Do you want to bring the country in a campaign mood this early?" Raila posed.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Knbs advertises to fill 20 posts in their latest Census and 400 youths turn up for the interview at Chuka university.Then I am reminded that someone somewhere bought incinerator at 34 Million. This was the same guy who promised to relocate Nithi bridge. The same guy had promised to create jobs for the youths.19 million to buy luxurious official car is
just another forgotten scandal as usual. How can we utilize that amount for the benefit of youths?

Saturday, July 6, 2019

We don't stand for anybody except Jesus Christ~ Prof. Kivutha kibwana
If you never lie, next time u will not want to Renmember what you told people in the past.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Ruto maize

Kenyans, we need to get serious. A whole Deputy President took nearly over half a day of your limited time, only to buy and distribute broken pieces of roasted maize along the sidelines of the road, and you scramble for it as if it's manna from Heaven.
It baffled me with a bonker's craze, that the said area is actually a maize growing zone and so, there ought to have been not an iota of peculiarity in maize. Matters were deteriorated when the mainstream media picked it with wanton abundance as if Ruto was overseeing space scientists adventure to the moon.
So Ruto only managed to share roasted maize with locals at Matisi trading center and proceeded to Endebess to open a CDF and sub-county offices, Trans Nzoia County, which offices were funded by NG-CDF and County government.
Is this the development agenda that he's been yapping all over? Does Luhyas only deserve broken pieces of roasted maize?

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Responding to Johnson Kinyua's daily online insults. Last weekend you were heard boasting immunity and security you have been promised by 810 and your brother which is okey.

I wish to let you know that insulting, mimicking or using any other language targeting our governor is adding him a plus.

As you said that you are working for  duo, one wishing to run for deputy governor seat and the other MP, it is advisable for them to advice you on blogging techs, blogging does not mean insulting your opponents but selling your boss.

Unfortunately many people didn't knew Parto until the time Njuki proposed him as MP, most people who voted for Parto did it for Njuki. Njuki die alimuombea kura.

810, you are young and energetic guy suppose you distance yourself from these kind of forced and insults terrine then you can reclaim.

Njuki is not competing with Parto neither 810, why insults. The more you throw these insults the more you build Njuki.

Ni hayo tu.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Kenyans are unnecessarily pampering their leaders to the extent that they claim, as an entitlement, their glorification as cultic demigods. I watched with confounding shock as Governor Sonko bashed Nairobi women rep Hon. Passaris "Mimi sio bwana yako".
Those who know and understand Hon. Sonko very closely will tell you three major glaring things about him;

Firstly, he struggles to speak any meaningful simple constructed English language. Put simply and plainly, he's a poor master of spoken English. His grammar is terrible, wanting, incurably and defectively faltered and adulterated irreparably.

Secondly, he is good at and quick to showcase nonexistent English prowess, when reading speeches that have been typed, edited, formatted and printed for him. So, those who listen to his voice in high-quality system sounds and optics may be deluded to fancy that his grasp for Anglo Saxon West Germanic lingua is fine and straight.No it is not. It is actually a sham and scam.

Thirdly, Sonko is known to be an elitist and proud man, who likes to carry himself along as one of the few most privileged in this World, in terms of wealth and education. In regards to the assets and liquid cash, I know nothing absolutely, not even an iota of information ebbed on the eardrum of an eave's dropper.

The only thing I know for sure is that he lied to have earned both his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

The basis of this personal postmortem on the character, person, and personality of Sonko is to prop up an expose' about his strengths and weaknesses, as a human being, something that all of us, inclusive of myself possess as descendants of Abraham.

Consequently, it was rude, wrong, arrogant, demeaning, disparaging, archaic and derogatory for Hon. Sonko to insult Hon. Esther Passaris.

Saturday, June 1, 2019


Kenyans are unnecessarily pampering their leaders to the extent that they claim, as an entitlement, their glorification as cultic demigods. I watched with confounding shock as Governor Sonko bashed Nairobi women rep Hon. Passaris "Mimi sio bwana yako".
Those who know and understand Hon. Sonko very closely will tell you three major glaring things about him;

Firstly, he struggles to speak any meaningful simple constructed English language. Put simply and plainly, he's a poor master of spoken English. His grammar is terrible, wanting, incurably and defectively faltered and adulterated irreparably.

Secondly, he is good at and quick to showcase nonexistent English prowess, when reading speeches that have been typed, edited, formatted and printed for him. So, those who listen to his voice in high-quality system sounds and optics may be deluded to fancy that his grasp for Anglo Saxon West Germanic lingua is fine and straight.No it is not. It is actually a sham and scam.

Thirdly, Sonko is known to be an elitist and proud man, who likes to carry himself along as one of the few most privileged in this World, in terms of wealth and education. In regards to the assets and liquid cash, I know nothing absolutely, not even an iota of information ebbed on the eardrum of an eave's dropper.

The only thing I know for sure is that he lied to have earned both his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

The basis of this personal postmortem on the character, person, and personality of Sonko is to prop up an expose' about his strengths and weaknesses, as a human being, something that all of us, inclusive of myself possess as descendants of Abraham.

Consequently, it was rude, wrong, arrogant, demeaning, disparaging, archaic and derogatory for Hon. Sonko to insult Hon. Esther Passaris.

Friday, May 24, 2019


EACC is another political wing by the big fishes in Kenya.

At times I feel the body works under specific and special instructions to act and who to act on. The war on corruption will only be won the day it will be separated with politics.
I don't support graft, actually I fear the fruits of corruption than the corrupt people, but when the fight against corruption is crafted, choreographed and designed to finish some quotas, it will never be won.

December 2015 - EACC raids Waiguru’s home

January 2016 - EACC raids Murang’a Governor Mwangi Wairia’s home

March 2016 - Murang’a Governor Mwangi Wairia arrested by EACC detectives.

January 2018 - EACC raids former Tharaka Nithi homes

July 2018 - Former Nyandarua Governor Arrested

August 2018 - EACC raids Kericho County offices

September 2018 - EACC raids Makueni County offices in graft probe

November 2019 - EACC raids the homes of Wajir Governor

February 2019 - EACC raids home and office of Samburu Governor

May 2019 - EACC raids Governor Waititu’s homes

EACC can only be equated to CATTLE RUSTLERS, they raid your compound, terrorize you and your family, get headlines, take a few of your cows, then leave to plan another RAID.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

File Case no. 933/2017 Chuka Magistrate Court 2 criminal case of Dr. John Mugambi Njeru was dropped on 18 April 2019 after prosecution failed to provide enough evidence in respect to the case.

Well, back to the case Dr. Mugambi Njeru who was pharmacist at Chuka hospital boasts family ralitionship with Wambora.  It should be remembered that Mugambi was arrested in pocesion of GOK drugs selling in one of chemist shop along Chuka town.

The case was all over and in fact people of Tharaka Nithi wanted justice to be done to serve as a lesson to all those rogue doctors.

He was aligned in court but as I followed keenly, in his statement he had admitted that he has arrested in Chuka town carrying government drugs and was going to sell them.

Dr. Mosses Maugu Kuria who was on duty one of his best friend knowingly that his friend had committed a crime gave false evidence since he also feared to be questioning his role since that weekend he was duty pharmacist.

As a concerned Tharaka nithi resident I need answers for these questions..

1. The drugs he was arrested carrying zilitoka na zilienda wapi?

2. Now that the guy is being reinstated which measures has county gvmnt taken against these rogue doctors.

3. Why was DCI unable to avail enough evidence even call log.

4. How long should we patient die in hospitals without drugs just because of these greedy doctors.

If possible this case should be reopened.

Concerned Tharaka nithi resident.

Justice has not prevailed in this case.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

True liberation will come the day the common man and woman realizes that the elite will always want them poor to have it easy to control them. You cant control a wealthy man.

Poverty makes the poor hate his immediate and equally poor neighbour as the cause of his poverty because poverty clouds reasoning.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

It is very absard and archaic when people with vast knowdge and exposure plays ignorant about security and politicize on the same.

The other day we had a debate on arming security guards but know somebidy is trying to convince us to retain those arrow armed watchman.

There is need to revolutionize old culture and replace old guards with qualified and trained officers to guard our promises. Those people who have undergone basic training plus public relation.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

When a Chief and an OCS were killed by the angry citizens in Tharaka Nithi last week, the full RECCE Company of GSU , APs ,Anti Stock, Dog unit, Dci officers were deployed to the area to make sure that the culprits were brought to book.

In Marsabit county 11 people have been killed, in Kakamega county specific Matungu constituency more than 10 people have been slaughtered mercilessly, and NO action has been taken so far!! Our government really, is there any life which is more important than the other?

Friday, May 3, 2019

Responding to earlier allegations from Cdf  ghost worker Perez Mwenda about Chogoria hospital services.

First I will start by requesting those who have been satisfactorily served in the hospital to say I.

Chogoria Hos is a private institution whose management should not be politicised. We all know that there has been cold war between government hospitals and private especially church sponsored. The supremacy battle is aimed at degrading and soiling the performing institution like Chogoria. Comparing PCEA Chogoria hospital with that Catholic hospital at Chuka you can judge which has retarded developed.

Every institution has its minor or kitchen issues even the mighty KNH   Mbagathi.. has been hitting the headlines.

If accident happened at Katharaka you shall be rushed to the nearest hospital, why should you condemn them?. A sober mind should point the department which he or she was served imperfectly and suggest any idea to sort out the mess not ranting over Facebook walls.

Chogoria ni yetu let develop and embrace it.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Evidence originating from several projects the governor has done in Tharaka has attracted enormous support from the area residents. But this has not been received well by some people.

Kk is enemy of his people, with his much influence in the national platform, he has never lobbied for any tangible project even for his own home area leave alone Tnc. Kazi yake nikuomba gavana pesa na threats kibao.

The none performer has resulted to financing desperate boys to insult the governor. Surprisingly after he has seen how the community is attached to Jonah Gaichima, he has gone further and sponsored them to soil his name.

Let him know that Tharaka community are after developments and if their son is among those who are bringing roads, water, classes, bridges... No amount of intimidation will divide them from supporting Njuki.

It is very unfortunate that a senator who secured his seat through finances of a then MP has turned to bite the hand that feeds him forgetting how desperate he was.

The bitter senator is now going up and down since the current regime has denied him handouts as protection fee and promised to keep the county in political and fighting moods.

It is very shameful when a senator elected by wanainchi results to insulting the governor when he ignorantly and blindly assumes the work and projects the governor is doing hence spreading lies to Ciambuba. Unfortunately, Tnc people have eyes and can see the projects done.

Can someone point the motion KK presented and sailed through in his second term! Akuna. KK is a none performer greed for governor seat yet he's unable to undertake the roles of senate evidence to his demotion.

It is our prayer to our governor to tighten the loopholes and starve the soprano guy to the end tuone atapiga kampeni na nini.

Lastly our governor tunajua KK want your seat but has nothing to show, continue doing your work which has earned and will earn you more.

Bwana Governor the post you made yesterday responding to Kindiki was reckless and demeaning.. I need to point several things which you must avoid in future or and amend.

1. Always make a post while you are sobber ( in the said post the paragraphing and grammar was very poor coming from you not to mention the flow it looks as if you were in hurry)

2. Never mention your competitor by name or position when fighting.

3. If someone has castigates you via audio media, don't run to fight via writings wait for the next funeral or wedding to respond.

4. Sometimes its good to watch and maintain your silence. Never respond to every dog that barks.

5. Responding to some allegations are better left to keyboard warriors even Ruto has employed Kina Itumbi.. Organise your online time..

6. Your Facebook page and account should be group by themselves, it looks petty when one gets your post in Public groups. Imagine Uhuru posting in Kilimani Mums so that to reach many people! Make your post in your page and accounts only and let people share. In groups, the Admins of the groups have the right to make the post go slow or even delete it the you have no powers. The county and it's departments too need to have their pages.

7. Some of your posts are very petty. They don't even attracts 10 likes. Why? Not everything one does must be in Facebook. We don't want to know where you went to church or wedding try to limit. Tells us something profiting Tnc.

8. Have you ever heard of post boosting? Yes this means making a post, paying for it so that it can reach many people. That what people does and that why you shall be seeing Waititu's post yet you are not his friends reading 5K likes n comments. Those posts trends.

9. Never try to justify your sediments in the Facebook walls, you will attract more roasting.

10. Finally i know that you are busy and most probably these posts are done on your behalf, can you reconsider hiring a real blogger and propagandist these people operating that account are no.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

It is very discouraging to descry elected leaders busy launching archaic movements when we expects developments. I am coerced to seek knowledge from self proclaimed 'General' Mpuru Aburi the benefits enjoyed by people of Meru through the movement for him to extend to CI. I'm also itching to know the rank of our youthful MP and your lieutenants.

Suppose this movement has flourished in Meru why did you left your lieutenant Mwirigi, Munya, Linturi, Kiraitu... Why did you included only Parto and left other leaders while launching in Tnc. Does this movement works as unifying factor or selective.

It is very inopportunely for political rallies and movements, CI people needs things done. We are astounding where our mp is getting time from to engage in these unproductive issues while we need movement which can bring roads, water,bursaries, good classes..

Hon. Parto its high time to decide if you are working for Meru county of CI, we don't have problem we can donate you.

It is too early to start thinking of fighting the county governorship just like what your so called general is doing in Meru. And if that its okay with you, kindly announce your interest for governor seat.

Regrettably when people of CI wants developments our MP is busy launching archaic movements. I am forced to seek understanding from our youthful MP the benefit of the movement to his constituency people.

Suppose that this movement was  that fruitful why

Friday, April 26, 2019

"After reviewing the terms and conditions of the purported China loan, Kenya would easily dissipate Mombasa port to Chinese government. I felt that our sovereignty was at risk. It's meliorate to remain poor than to lose the little you have. I opined to neglect and stay away from signing the covenant" ~ Raila Odinga

It is very deleterious that our brothers are praying ill unto others just because of politics. Erick Stima and his outfit is known for propagating propaganda fed by some moles in the county who were in the previous regime and self created.

The moles rations him with full information and copies of letter where necessary and buildups.

I challenge his sponsors to avail him with Jonah Gaichima's dismissal or demotion letter to asserting the rumours going around and the person acting or in charge of the vacuum.

Gaichima's star is shinning higher than before, just in case you were looking for a softer target. In fact the director exemplary performance has earned him more in the county. Gaichima is still sitting cushy in his office doing what he sedulously love.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

When Uhuru borrowed money way back to erect the SGR to Nakuru it was not an issue because Kalenjins had Ruto as the project manager of which Dr. Kimwarror looted.

Now that Uhuru is bustling with Raila to have SGR reach Kisumu, Chief of Looters is not at peace, he has gone the far of abusing the whole Luo community? The same Luos who had been sidelined, some saying they were tired of opposition are yelling to support someone terming himself a hustler but moneyed through looting.

Raila is now occupied with Uhuru to open up infrastructure...Nyanza Counties, Constituencies and Wards needs developments because all of us can acquire all that we need from the government through the Handshake.

We need ameliorate Roads, adequate water,sufficient security services, good environment for investments.


Monday, April 22, 2019

Hon Ndindi Nyoro has tabled a motion in parliament to make corruption a capital offence (punishable by death) ..I think this is bull crap,it is a legal way of trying to protect thieves by making it look like we are merciless on corruption.

Anyone will tell you that capital offence cases drag the longest and take the longest to prosecute. A lot of human rights crusade is involved too.

If we are serious about fighting corruption, the punishment should be immediate and involve recovery of the stolen money. If for instance you are found guilty of stealing 20 million, you should be made to pay 20million plus ,30% interest/tax upfront and the prosecution should not take more than 4 months...

Our politicians know us too well and they know the small things that excite us. All Hon.Nyoro is trying to do is protect fellow corrupt politicians legally and make it look like he's fighting corruption..

And please let's stop calling it corruption, what is happening in Kenya is daylight robbery. The term corruption is too posh and legal for it.

"That politician who are dishing money in Churches with the team which has been mentioned in dam scandals who are always in politics mood are people who have made us  limit people from visit our resident and request for private mourning, these people are sucking poor people always after leadership and stealing. We may even bar some people during the burial ceremony'

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Apparently, as my brothers swallow the bitter herb and come to senses that Raila is accompanying Uhuru for a loan in China, we must face these facts.

Rao is African head of infrastructure (which includes roads) which means that he stands better chance than anyone in Africa. Qualified as an engineer he has best advice and bargaining power. When we shall be lobbing for maize and avocados loan, then Daktari qualifies.

This is payback time for those people especially who lost lives or and those who engaged running battle with gvt in the stolen election scandal.

Friday, April 19, 2019

So when Chuka Igambangombe went into the ballot box year 2017 were tired, they simply wanted their town to be carpeted, mama soko wanted a conducive environment to sell her merchandise, equitable bursary fund distribution, good road network, farmers wanted milk coolants, name them...

Now when Njuki took over, Tnc residents wanted, Water, roads, bridges, ethnic uniting, HQ & market construction and expansion, agricultural promotion , health service ascenting..

After long soul searching the voters were confused if Njuki could dragoon the demolition of houses built along road reserve which previous regimes were unable.

The residents decided to try Njuki,  fortunately he delivered. His art pulled interest from neighbouring constituencies this gave Njuki a clean gubernatorial walk over.

Challenges are always welcomed, but now that Njuki has delivered 60% within 2yrs voters have nothing to say but kazi iendelee..

Pasaka is not only going to church clubbing, going to places , carrying palms tree twigs, crosses name them...

Mugwe MCA Hon. Denis Mutwiri has changed these odds, to him the day means visiting less fortunate families and sharing with them.

The youthful MCA and Kambandi Bodaboda operators have visited the oldest Mau Mau veteran soldier at his rural home in effort to tap wisdom.

As the team left with mzee's blessings, they also had something for him. 'Mukuru atitigagwa njara ntheri'.

Let's spend this season giving the little we have was his theme.

God bless Magumoni MCA.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

PRof njo

Prof. Njoka is highly respected by people of Tnc and has good reputation globally.

Rumours going around from reliable sources edicts that our Prof. might be ready and ripe to run for Tnc gubernatorial post the indistinguishable rumours keep reminding us that he has launched two radio stations as well as a TV network as 2022 campaigning tools.

Well, having headed the Chuka University from scratch somebody should ask these questions.

Why was there a conflict between the university and the community where they were fighting over road reserve where the institution wanted to plant flowers and that of bar owners.

Landlords within Ndagani have been forced to control their rates.

Which criteria did the institution use to pick some private hostels and leave others for its students.

Why was Ndagani Secondary School degraded to a day school and gradually fading. Do residents need it.

What has he given back to the society, water pipes are  under their lands and the institution has never shared even a drop to the villagers.

How comes that the Mighty Ndagani Polytechnic built by residents was transfered to Mwanjati his home area.

The Clinic inside the school is not accessible by locals do they have right and privileges to.

Why is it that people always blame employment criteria in the institution.

What is the agenda behind youth entrepreneur meetings done in your chambers often.

As Njuri Ncheke elite, Meru county claims that most part of Tnc forest belongs to them. Have you addressed this situation.

Gate pass and exam cards have been used as tools for discriminating poor students , can the institution effectuate a way to recover balances later.

The list is long...

Suppose these events are addressed then he remains a CEO in the CUC..

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

People will mock you, they will call you a loser, they will make memes of you  & Photoshop you in obscene photos, call you a  perennial loser...but they will also never forget that...

2. You suffered in Nyayo torture chambers preserving the dignity of this nation.

2. You are the reason we have a multiparty system...

4. You were a force that liberated us from a tyrant.

4. You gave us a new constitution...

5. Only you could put your presidential bid aside to vigorously campaign for someone who
later turned their back on you...

6. You were a great whistle blower to many scandals that dug deep into our hard earned tax payers money...

7. You shook hands for peace to squeak and economy to grow.

8. These things are too many to mention...

So our dearest Baba in eyes of many you are an icon, you are the Mandela of our Nation...

You are beyond Kenyan presidency, you deserve better...You are the son of this land...

Some years from now my grands will ask me, "Who was Raila Amollo Odinga?" and with tears in my
eyes n a heart full of joy and appreciation, I will proudly tell them, he was Enigma, He is the Baba that had the hugest command of this nation and Africa.

I will beautifullyopen your bibliography page by page read unto them the hearkening stories of how you suffered to bring Kenya where it is today...

It is well Baba, Legends don't die, Legends never get destroyed, Legends never give up...
Legends live to fight another day, Legends are reincarnated in other persons, Legends are

Long live Agwambo.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's. clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Some decades back when Hon. Kagwima was Nithi MP his mighty would be heard. During police and army recruitment a full lorry ferried young men and women to Chuka stadium courtesy of Kagwima and all of them would be admitted in the force. Chuka and Maara would share the remaining slots.

Well as the saying goes ' inoragia baria igwite' no Tharaka person should detest Kagwima.

Now we have Kindiki who has been leader of majority and now Senate Deputy speaker. A sedate Tharaka resident if asked who is the king of their community would point Kagwima.

Surprisingly even those people who have read and crisscrossed Tnc and have evidence of poor performing Kk if asked why they won't vote for Njuki they just think that rotational is enough reason.

With all might KK has been commanding very few project can be associated with, one should wonder the benefit Tnc enjoys when they see him on television following Ruto.

Even in his community nobody can claim to have safeguarded a government clerical job via Kk.

The power Kk has been commanding is far much from lobbying, in his potency a phone call is enough to initiate the procurement of tarmacking Marima-Karigini road.

Being a lawyer by professional Kk should have lobbied for a residential magistrate court for Maara people. Under his capacity a law class should be established in Chuka university.

A lot of Mau mau and Tnc political boundary cases are pilling in courts with his consciousness all this could have been solved long ago.

As much as we love Kk, giving him governor seat is overburdening him.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Laughing stock

Ruto is now a laughing stock, unwanted and embarrassed in Jubilee, his followers being treated like rejects, little attention given to them as no one answers their rhetoric. Sooner or later he will bolt out of that party he keeps on telling us he formed. Arrests are expected slowly by slowly to start crawling towards the doors of the corruption chief as his bucking dogs face  National cohesion commission over hate speech. Some of his backers have had their security withdrawn for unspecified reason.
Now that the CSs have been banned from attending weekend funerals and project launches, one wonders on whose behalf will Kimwarror be launching those 'iko' toilet projects.
With CS. Matiangi having his foot down onto the roles initially held by this politician, which were tactfully but openly removed back to a committee lead by the interior CS, he has since been released to join MCAs in their wards telling Kenyans lies and harping venoms on perceptions of 'am the target'
His sources of cash and loopholes of theft and plunder of public funds and also lands have been sealed.

This is to keep him out there in cold drained as he has to feed and pay for drinks and accommodation including logistical mobilization of crowds each weekend without refill and also pay people like Khalwale , Ndindi, Murkomeno , Waititu & Aisha to shout in his podium. It's tactical than firing him, he is to be left isolated for about six months then he will be left with nothing than to bolts off.

There is nothing frustrating when you are in the cabinet without portfolio and limited budget let alone powers to hire nor fire. Dr. Kimwarrer arap Arror as we speak can't pick up his direct line and make those threatening calls of do this like this and that as he was found doing before.

All state corporations have been put in high alert not to take his instructions however good they might look to be. All contracts inflated by him have not been paid and will not be paid for as the CS treasury looses his rights on funds movement to his PS.

These are the first few means amongst many that the president and government has put in place to tame and finish the corrupt person who has veered off the road of good governance and is seen to contradict his boss on each and every directive and executive orders in broad day light.

If it was not the new constitution that took powers from the president to fire his deputy, by now Kimwarror would have been in prison over graft let alone having been fired. That anger you see in him each time he opens up his mouth is because he has been sidelined and rendered unfit to be heard. Threats of violence are nothing to go by. The security organs, heads and strategic plans are set and can handle any form of violence instigated by politicians. Situations have changed it is never like it was in 2007.

Preparedness is on set, security arrangements starting from the Military formed of Kenya Airforce, Kenya Navy and Kenya Army, NIS, NPS and Forest, CTU and the NYS are all set to manage any form of threat of peace so to us, some pronouncements we hear made by dry mouthed politicians are just but empty drums.
President Uhuru Kenyatta said he will loose friends and create others along the way. He is making more friends than losing some of which are still hitching onto lose joints.

What do you want to do with a burdensome, corrupt and rogue person in Kenya today if you have Hon. Raila Odinga and his entire team on your side and have signed a pact with you?

President Uhuru Kenyatta will get ruthless with thieves, clean up the system and put in place fresh controls.
Uhuru Kenyatta now sleeps and wakes up strong since he has an experienced think tank and a seasoned  leader with an international office on his side that is why we see a lot of official movements and foreign dignitaries trooping to Capital Hill, they don't go there to listen to his parables, they attend to the call of duty.

I don't remember seeing even an Italian ambassador where dam deal was sealed going to even have a puff of cigarettes at Harambee House Annexe but see tribal chiefs, beggars and blogger if not dealers.
We may as well forget about asking Dr. Kimwarror to account and return stolen wealth but allowing him to live on them for the period of time left before the next polls and sealing off fresh roots of theft in itself is enough to starve a cat  sooner or later the cat will groan and start eating its own kittens.