Tuesday, October 20, 2020

His Excellency Raila Odinga joined his brother Uhuru Kenyatta at Gusii stadium in celebration of this year Mashujaa day.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Agwambo track record

Raila Odinga track record.

When Raila joined Kanu just as an MP,he made sure that Kisumu and Mombasa became cities. When he was Roads and public Works minister, we saw several highways coming up ie,Western , Eastern and southern bypasses done and this reduced traffic on Uhuru highway.

We saw Kibera slum upgrading project. He brought money to the elderly every month. He and Kibaki introduced CDF. Raila stood firm for a new Constitution that has made people like Sang to build a house for 250M and Ruto to build 1.2B palace.

During Nusu mkate, Raila made sure that Kisumu got international standard airport , several supper highways brought. Nothern lapset corridor and Lamu port initiated.
Since handshake, we have seen Kisumu lake Victoria port operating again since Moi grounded it. Ahero Migori highway almost completion,Fish cooling storage plants are in place. It is undisputable that Raila Odinga & his brother helped in resolving the county revenue sharing stalemate tag of war.

The Nairobi -Kisumu, Nyer-Nairobi Railway being renovated and new locomotives ordered already,soon there will be launched by his Excellency Uhuru.
During Narc Gov ,he asked Kibaki to remove tax on motorbike importation to create employment to the youth. This created employment to over 6M youths.

Now that was Lord of poverty.
What has Lord of wealth done to people of Rift valley since YK92?
Now DP had full opportunity to make Eldoret airport be like Jkia. How many factories has he brought to Kitale,Kapsabet,Soy,Eldoret and Kapsiret? Instead looted money for public dam Kimwarer and Arror ,so sad. Sad that he is giving graduates wheelbarrows and Mikokoteni while giving his son gvt tenders while his daughter is a diplomat in Poland.

Nationally, we have seen grabbing of public lands ie Muteshi,KAA, Langata Primary, Diverting community river to his farm in Taita Taveta.
Now you know who is Lord of poverty.

They only tell people that Ruto must be president, 'Raira' should retire, Hustler is unstoppable and abusive languages. They don't have any Single agenda to convince people about his development record.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Stalin tnv

Once, Soviet leader Josef Stalin, came to one meeting with a live chicken. He started to pluck its feathers one by one off.

The chicken quacked in pain, blood oozing from its pores. It gave out heartbreaking cries but Stalin continued without remorse plucking feather after feather until the chicken was completely naked. After that, he threw the chicken on the ground and from his pockets, took out some chicken feed and started to throw it at the poor creature. It started eating and as he walked away, the chicken followed him and sat at his feet feeding from his hand.

Stalin then told members of his party "This chicken represents the people, you must disempower them, brutalise them, beat them, steal from them and leave them. If you do this and then give them peanuts when they are in that helpless and desperate situation, they will blindly follow you for the rest of their life. They will think you are a hero forever. They will forget that, it is you who brought them to that situation in the first place."

Isn't this the reality in TNC?. Your religious papas, politicians and capitalist business men stripping you of your honor and wealth to enrich themselves, then later throw peanuts at you and you defend them!
The day you wake up is the day you realize that your heroes may be responsible for your woes.

Rich will always want to make mass poor so that they can rule them. In the recent homecoming where hundreds cheered along Chuka street for 1k, did you saw his son or wife who are accused of pocketing 2M plus. Olisikia wapi

Friday, August 28, 2020


Why do Somalis thrive in Business?

I have overheard complaints from businessmen and scholars arguing that the Oria/Somali Muslims are taking over Nairobi CBD. Yes they are.

Boss how can you compete this people? They are like Indians. They practice socialism and work as a family.

When was the last time you called your uncle, aunt, cousin or in law? Imagine they call each other daily and work together as your colleagues at work.

You are waiting to invest from your salary? Well, they don’t wait, they call each other and work in handy. One man is married to 4 wives.

One wife is selling baby clothes in Eastleigh and in wholesale making Kshs. 8,000 a day. The 2nd wife is selling gas and running a shop in Donholm making Kshs. 5,000 a day.

The 3rd wife makes people tea and lunch in Eastleigh making a profit of 4,000 a day and the last one is selling men’s and women’s wear in Eastleigh making a profit of Kshs. 10,000 a day.

How much goes to his account before we include his petrol station in South B or his cloth line in town or slaughtering cows from Moyale at Njiru slaughter house? That is Kshs. 27,000 passing through his account daily let’s say from slaughtering cows, he makes a profit of Kshs. 15,000 a day.

His total income is Kshs. 42,000 a day. That is Kshs. 1,260,000 passing through his account per month. Banks do check flow in your account per month to advance loans that can open you a restaurant in town.

Your salary is Kshs. 80,000 and you feel your wife is so fragile to work, so you keep her in the house baby sitting. Every evening you pass through your favorite club, you take two for the road which turns out to be 5-10 bottles before you leave accompanied by friends.

Your side chick or mpango wa kando is also one Slay Queen of her kind. She does Java and above or Amarula what she sees on adverts but implement when with you. You pay her rent, saloon and clothes while she takes selfies sending you while at work.

Let’s assume you need a bank loan to put a big business in town, between your account and his account, who will get bank trust with a big capital to put up a significant business?

Kaka, then you want to rant how this people are money launderers? Please if you can’t make money with your family members like Indians 🇮🇳 and Somalia 🇸🇴 crew are doing.

Stop complaining, meet your Slay Queens in their restaurants as you narrate to them how this people are faking it. When you are done, come I introduce you to Abdin my neighbor who sells gas and run shops but drive a Land Cruiser TX.

I respect this people, unless we up our game, they will displace us in our own country then we start another genocide like South Africa 🇿🇦 did or like Donald Trump is fighting to chase people out of USA 🇺🇸.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Deep State.

1. Joho once dared the system, the GSU Officers Blocked Him From Attending Mtongwe Ferry Relaunch Led by Uhuru in Mombasa, it is in the record that Joho peed on his jeans at Migori when he claimed that he was Simba.

2.  Murkomen and Kindiki once threatened the system now they are just senators and backbenchers.

3. Waititu insulted the system now he is mwananchi like me.

4. Oscar Sudi insulted and dared Uhuru to step in Kapseret the following week Uhuru held a function and was denied to address.

5. Senator Charargei once chest thumbed agonist the system, the dude answered his call in another county in Nyanza.

6. Ndindi Nyoro once touched Kamanda, the boy spent his night at Citizen TV table.

7. Susan Kihika rubbished her bosses now she is forgotten.

8. Miguna Miguna dared the system, the following day found himself in another continent without Kenyan Nationality docs.

9. Governor Sonko once dared the system now he is suspended kafana.

10. Babu Owino insulted the system, the following week remains a story to narrate.

11. Duale stopped supporting the system now he has been reduced to header.

12. DP. William Ruto ignored the system, now he is crying foul to defeat it.

12.  Agwambo dared the system and took presidency oath, now he is the system.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Agwambo mysterious

"Agwambo" , is a Luo word for a mysterious one. 
Those who know him well will tell you that his personality is a full course that those who have tried to study have failed to graduate over time.
Moi, Biwott and Kamotho's of this world tried with KANU, but they failed miserably.
Then came a group of leaders led by Mungatana,Kibaki and the Nyachaes, whose stories will be told another day. I wonder where the likes of William Ruto, Duale and Kuria got the guts of thinking that a tree that couldn't be brought down by an axe can easily fall down when cut by a Panga.
Mara oooooh,Baba has been played. Mara Raila has Covid, Mara Raila is paralysed.
Maybe next time when Baba will disappear and reappear,
he will be younger than Babu Owino

Baba is reenergized and ready to hit the road running.

Don’t joke or either dare Dr. Raila Odinga, you will remain with a rotten egg  in your face.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Ptof njoka kingshop

Good morning my friends, fellow hustlers, comrades, colleagues and fellow compatriots. Prof. Erastus Njoka has been my favorite and political hero as he has been to many and for that matter it has been my utmost desire to follow the footsteps and inherit the political kingpinnesss of Enigma Raila Amollo Odinga in nyanza, Western and Kenya at large. His tibimness Raila Amollo Odinga is an embodiment of reason and an icon of leadership. I implore you to unshakably support me to achieve this noble and transformative dream. God bless Raila Amollo Odinga,God bless me and God bless you,God bless Kenya!💪💪💪

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Prof. Njoka

Why Prof. Njoka qualifies to be the next big thing.
1. Lobbied for Ndagani to Kibumbu road tarmacking.
2. Lobbied for Kairini to Kirubia tarmacking.
3. Lobbied for KMTC and housed them.
4. Lobbied for Chuka town tarmacking.
5. Lobbied for Mwanjati Technical and vocational institute.
6. Raised Tharaka & Maara Campuses.
7. Setting up water dams for irrigation at lower zones.
8. Making Chuka Unv. a centre of excellence.
9. In all areas where the campuses are, the community has the reason to thank the brain behind.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Hop party

I Doubt The Source.

Game Of Chess Is More Of Intelligence And Played With Hidden Card.So Is Succession Politics.

Within The Remaining 2 Years Expect More Hop And Jump.Nothing Is Permanent In Politics.

It's My Wish And Prayer That It Will Be A Fair Play And No Betrayal.

God Bless Kenya.
God Bless Tinga.

Saturday, May 16, 2020


Raila's Official Names;

1. Agwambo

Agwambo is Luo term that is used to refer to someone who has some supernatural powers that differentiate him from other human beings.

This term is synonymous given Raila's political muscles particularly at his backyard in the country where he commands huge support and those seeking to vie for any political seat in the in country rely on his blessings to make it through.

2. Jakom

Jakom is also a Luo term which refers to somebody who is holding the chairperson position, leading a group of followers or simply a person in position of power.

Given he comes from the Luo community, this term is commonly used to identify him as the leader of the tribe, leader of Opposition and ODM party.

3. Baba

Baba has been one of the long standing title that Kenyans have used to refer to the political enigma given his long history in politics.

The name is used symbolically as an elder who guides his followers and whatever he says is what they follow.

4. RAO

RAO has been in existent for as long as Raila Odinga has lived in politics since his early years in politics.

RAO is an abbreviation of his official name Raila Amolo Odinga.

5. People's President

The title became famous after the controversial swearing in at Uhuru Park where Raila Odinga was declared the people's president despite the fact that he lost in a hotly contested presidential election in August 2017.

6. Arap Mibei

This is a Kalenjin term that refers to someone who helps one to cross over a river or water.

In the context of Raila Odinga, this term is often used just as the Joshua term that is used to refer to Raila as one who helped people cross the river.

The term became synonymous during his narrations on his symbolic role in leading his followers to cross the biblical River Jordan during the 2017 General Elections.

7. Owadgi Akinyi

Owadgi means a brother to, therefore, the term refers to a brother to Akinyi.

Raila's sister Wenwa Akinyi Odinga Oranga is currently the Consul General at the Kenya Consulate in Los Angeles, USA.

8. Enigma
Raila has been branded as a person who is mysterious or difficult to understand political.

9. Tinga
The name was given to Baba due to his passion on heavy vehicles like his Range KCS002D & The Hammer.

Go vote for others and leave the rest to me.

Thursday, May 14, 2020


When Jeff asked Atwoli his prediction on Kibra by election, Atwoli smashed his phone on the floor and said, “By 10am, Imran will be the Member of Parliament for Kibra. Take it to the bank and I have no apologies to make over the same,” it came to pass.

After this statement he raised his hands and looked at the skies, wept and lamented, " I want you to write this down, 2022 we will go to the election to elect the president and people will vote in high number because we will have changed the constitution, you will elect president, his deputy, prime minister and others … but I want to tell you one thing, the name of one William Samoei Ruto will not be on the ballot,”. He removed his handkerchief...

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


I have been trying to keep off the theatrics until I saw comments to the effect that ODM should not celebrate what's happening to Tangatanga lest it happens to us.

What do you mean? Our political life has been ALL about this. Betrayal upon betrayal; denial of rights; disregard of the rule of law to our disadvantage. We are so used to it. I was born into it and I have lived it. It feels soooooooooo good that the spotlight is on another.

My brother, my sister, we have been called names, we have been mocked, we have been ostracized! We have cried, we have cursed, we have abused and we have gone mute we ha fought back. We have prayed, we have fasted, we have quoted verses in the Bible and the Constitution.

If you are like me, dance like there is no tomorrow. Laugh like corona virus is extinguished, jump higher than the Maasai. Such occurrences in our quarters is as rare as the eclipse. It may well be the only time you laugh in this political lifetime. Do not be cheated that we should not because we don't know about tomorrow. I know I am happy today because today I am not the child of a squatter. As for tomorrow, usitudanganye bwana.

The way n truth

Agwambo is the way, the truth, and the Enigma. No Tangatanga  can come to the Uhuru except through him.
Tangatanga should cry to him for Uhuru to go slow.

The way n truth

Agwambo is the way, the truth, and the Enigma. No Tangatanga  can come to the Uhuru except through him.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tanga demos

No demonstrations in Eldoret to protest the president's move.

No chaos in Nakuru to show displeasure over the mistreatment of Ruto wing.

No maandamano in Mombasa over president Kenyatta betraying his deputy.

No burning tires in Narok and/or Mandera over president's move to axe Ruto allies.

No violence in Kakamega to protest leadership changes in the Senate.

Central Kenya is as quiet as still waters.

It is business as usual in Nairobi cbd.

Ruto should forget the presidency and become a pastor.

Pnu corona

radies and gentoromen, in the rast twendi foo hawas we waa ebo to test 19 senetaas and two key allies have already been removed from office...out of this one is a mero and one is a femero, one is from nakuru and one from eregeyo marakwet! If we kontiniuu to behave nomaree, this jubilee is going to treat us abnomaree


I think Murken is living in a denial world. Still untill now he cannot accept the fact that he's not a Majority leader.
He's still emphasizing that the is still a codial relationship  between the President and deputy president. Why is Murkomen forcing himself to the President??

Monday, May 11, 2020

Wisdom of fools

And some blind Tangatanga will be like, "Uhuru and Ruto are still together, Jubilee is still intact, this is a game they're playing, they just want to corner Raila Odinga. Uhuru will betray him at last, it will end in tear".
Helooooo, wake up from that dangerous dream before you wet your pants. A friendly game can't foot such extreme ends.

Odm brain game


1. ODM inner game, they wanna Wiper, ANC &Ford K to leave & join Jubilee to have all Minority posts.

2. Gideon Moi is being used to deliver & is not the only: Uhuru wants to swallow ALL parties but apart from ODM.

3. Wiper is eyeing Speaker National Assembly (for Kalonzo) & Deputy Maj. Whip (Mutula Jnr).

4. Senate Leadership changes is about Jubilee NEC; Ruto has 6 (-2) votes, Uhuru 4 (+1) votes.

5. ANC want to tame Malala in Senate & also is promised Senate Speaker (for Mudavadi).

6. FORD-K is promised Deputy Speaker(Senate) for Wetangula &Dep. Maj Whip-Chris Wamalwa.

7. ODM wanna get Minority Leaders, Deputies, Minority Whips, Deputies & all Minority Chairs.

8. Speaker Muturi is promised to go to Cabinet; Lusaka they want out; Duale to stay but lukewarm.

9. Lusaka shd know if he remove Kihika & OKM Jubilee NEC passes Coalitions & impeach him.

10. Handshake wants to control Parliament to bulldoze BBI Constitutional Bill through it, fast!


Wisdom of fools

And some blind political souls be like, "Uhuru and Ruto are still together, Jubilee is still intact, this is a game they're playing, they just want to corner Raila Odinga".
Helooooo, wake up from that dangerous dream before you wet your pants.
A friendly game can't foot such extreme ends.

Jp constitution

Murathe amesema JP Constitution gives the President powers to make serious decisions on behalf of NEC especially when there's an emergency like Corona. So hii kelele ya Tangatanga kwisha. Articles 7, 9 of their party. Case closed.


Duale amenyamaza anafakiria tumesahau yeye n outgoing N/A majority leader

Murathe sumarry interview


David Murathe: Every Jubilee senator was invited by means of SMS by the party leader himself.

David Murathe: Tomorrow, the  senate speaker shall receive list of attendees, their signatures.

David Murathe: Even national assembly must toe the line.

David Murathe: DP Ruto did not attend because he was busy in his Karen home whipping senators not to attend the state house meeting.

David Murathe: Some senators were out to sabotage the party leader.

David Murathe: senators who skipped the meeting should have attended the meeting and vote against the changes instead of boycotting.

David Murathe: The divorce is not about the husband, it's because of the randy wife who is tangatangaring with young boys

David Murathe: I am still the Jubilee vice chair because my resignation was turned down.



David Murathe: Every Jubilee senator was invited by means of SMS by the party leader himself.

David Murathe: Tomorrow, the  senate speaker shall receive list of attendees, their signatures.

David Murathe: Even national assembly must toe the line.

David Murathe: DP Ruto did not attend because he was busy in his Karen home whipping senators not to attend the state house meeting.

David Murathe: Some senators were out to sabotage the party leader.

David Murathe: senators who skipped the meeting should have attended the meeting and vote against the changes instead of boycotting.

David Murathe: The divorce is not about the husband, it's because of the randy wife who is tangatangaring with young boys

David Murathe: I am still the Jubilee vice chair because my resignation was turned down.

Senate sakary

Senator without portfolio Salary is Ksh710,000
While Senator with a portfolio gets 1,050,000 now you know Makasiriko ni ya Nini 🤣🤣



In politics you must understand that;
(1). Nobody has your interests.

(2). Everybody is chasing their own interests.

(3). Dealing with politicians is like sleeping with tigers; you must always have your eyes wide open.

(4). In any Political equation, there's always someone being used. If you can't find one then it is you.

(5). Serving Politicians is like being a bandage on a wound. Once the wound is healed your usefulness ends. Politicians don't recognize and reward value they recognize their own needs and you are only as useful as the lifespan of their need for you.

(6). In Politics never wail more than the bereaved. They will get the reward while you inherit their enemies.

(7). In Politics, in any event that other interests conflict with your own interests and you have to choose, always choose yours.

(8). Never cross oceans for Politicians; you will drown and the best they will do is give a benevolent speech at your burial, lie to your widow and children and eat your food. Politicians will never cross the streets for their foot soldiers.

(9). Don't kill yourself for their ambition or put your life at risk for any politician.

(10). Above all, Family and Health are things you should never use to attack a man. Politics is never that serious.

(11). Lastly to all the Youths, it's too risky to sacrifice your Career, Health, Personal Character, Social capital and integrity in pursuit of short term and temporary rewards, offered by Politicians, unless of course you are the one in control and have a long term game .


Friday, May 8, 2020



✓INTEGRITY- His integrity is beyond reproach. He has never in his life been implicated in any ficious scandal, corrupt underdealings or forgery and theft.. he has a clean bill of health in matters public service

ACADEMICALLY APPROVED_Prof.Njoka cleared his primary, secondary and tertiary education in record time.. He is now among the learned elite in the county.

✓MANAGERIAL EXPERIENCE_ He has along spanning experience of more than 40 years in the public & private service where he has tremendously grown in cadres. A good example is Chuka University.

✓PHILANTROPY_ Prof. Is known of assisting residents of County by giving them jobs in his private firms, giving less fortunate and bright students bursaries, shopping ,assisting the qualified students to get admission to different colleges and universities.

With Prof. Njoka the county is destined to greatness.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

County tarmac

Within a span of 2yrs Governor Njuki has opened & tarmacked up more than 150 km of new roads and more than 350km of roads have been graveled. He has constructed dozens of bridges and box culverts.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Tharaka nithi votes

William Ruto did not make Uhuru the President!!....But, Uhuru made William Ruto the Deputy President.

Deputy President nicely quoted his price, was paid in full to join the ticket, the payment was to give the ticket a wider more nationalistic outlook and avoid the situation akin to 2007 when Kibaki 'won' with only Mt Kenya votes after pulling Tharaka Nithi on Agwambo. Thats what the System wanted to avoid. Otherwise, the system had already settled on Uhuru and they were going to make him President at all cost.

Kalenjins just followed Ruto into Jubilee. They were auctioned like Chiken at Kambi Kuku Market.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Kimwarrer dam

True liberation will come the day the common man and woman realizes that the politicians will always want them poor to have it easy to control them. You cant control a wealthy man.

Poverty makes the poor hate his immediate and equally poor neighbour as the cause of his poverty because poverty clouds reasoning.

Poverty can make poor people to praise evil deeds by their leaders while the same leaders will protect looters since they shares the loot.

In Kimwarrer & Arror dams scandals we have a good example of rich protecting rich. Unfortunately mama mboga , youths... Who could benefit from damn project sides with rich who shared loot. The rich will never fetch mutungi full of water from the river instead they will hire the poor.

It is right time for Kenyans to stand up and say kila mtu abebe mzigo wake not unless you shared the loot.  When someone arrested let us stop singing MTU wetu or our community is targeted.

A billion lost means no panandol or any other medicine in our public hospital, another billion no good roads....

Jkenyatta rule

Jomo Kenyatta a Kikuyu ruled from 1963 to 1978(15yrs),Moi a Kalenjin ruled from 1978 to 2002(24yrs),Mwai Kibaki a Kikuyu ruled from 2002 to 2012(10yrs) Uhuru Kenyata 2012 to 2022(10yrs)....

Kikuyu tribe will not have a candidate in 2022 polls....Ruto is a Kalenjin. he should stop hiding in dynasties... we are talking tribal language here.... it is time for other tribe to unlock the neo colonialism...Luo, Kuria, Kisii, Meru,  etc.... Say no to Kikuyu or Kalenjin president come 2022.

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Wiliam Ruto used to smile from year to year whenever Raila was humiliated in public. Kuria, the Pre Unit boy, Ndindi Nyoro and the floor sweeper Itumbi, used to write lyrical tunes in praise of the police when they killed and clobbered NASA supporters. Now the story has overturned and they're at the receiving end.
The lesson is, fairness and equality must be guarded at all costs because you never know when you will fall victim.

Uhuru n ruto

If you think Ruto is bad but Uhuru is good after the handshake and BBI nonsense, you need to see your mother for your erratic reasoning. Both are economic criminals amd tribal bigots and none of them should be sanitized at the expense of the other.

One party state

We are back to One Party State. What is remaining is just to amend a section of the Constitution to outlaw other political parties. It is now who shouts loudest on what the powers that be wants to hear. It is really pathetic that no one is left to speak for mwananchi.

No jobs.... No one to speak
High cost of living... No one to speak
Rising National debt.... No one to speak
Failed factories..... No one to speak
Poor or no health care... No one to speak
Police harassment.... No one to speak

All elected leaders have been converted to YES men and women. Kenyans must wake up!

Wajinga Nyinyi.

Murkomen law

I don't know what law people like Murkomen learnt. When power is ceded to a non elected and non party member like Raila Odinga, is it in order? Is there any law that allows the President to have a non official Deputy? I'm not talking on behalf of Tangatanga but just asking them to use their brains sometimes.

Ruto promises

When I remember promises made by Uhuruto 'digital' government before 2013 elections I feel like laughing because majority of Kenyans believed them, even the most educated. No family will sleep hungry again because Unga price will be Ksh.70. Free Primary and Secondary education, lap top for all class one children. Doctors and nurses will be very well paid. All hospitals will never lack drugs. On company gates, instead of boards readily "Hakuna Kazi" they will read"Kuna Kazi". And people want Ruto to be President.

Hole dig

In their first dubious term as "The Presidency", Ruto put in place regulations and systems to punish and silence their opponents. Ignore court orders, bribe, threaten, dismiss and persecute. He is now being bitten in the *ss by the same systems ya majambazi he formed.
Lesson: Always think of yourself as the victim before adopting severe punishing systems.


Kenyans are so easy to please. They're now saying Kagwe is the best Minister for just releasing COVID-19 results.
Whatever steps the Minister is outlining are as a result of advice from local and international experts and bodies like WHO.
He goes for his check ups abroad or in the best private hospitals just like the rest of them. His children probably study abroad or in International schools.

West covid

The day US and Europe start reducing their numbers and stop talking about COVID-19, you won't hear the Kenyan doomsayers speak again.
Even if our cases will be rising, you won't hear anything like complete lockdown. No daily press conferences either. That's how we blindly follow the West. All the same, maintain physical distance and remember you have a personal responsibility to stop COVID-19 from spreading.


The surgica mask has three layers. The coloured outer layer is water and moisture repellent, the middle part is the filter and the inner absorbent layer is meant to absorb spit and sweat from the wearer. It provides up to 95% pretection from viruses.
I don't know what they're making in Kitui or Eldoret but if they're the cloth masks, they will provide only some protection from dust, not bacteria and certainly not viruses. I don't know whether they have bothered to involve experts otherwise the public will end up having false security.

Covid 19

The COVID-19 is transmitted primarily through droplets. This means when an infected person coughs or sneezes, the tiny air sprays containing millions of the virus spurts out of the mouth or the nose respectively. 
WHO recently said that the droplets can remain suspended in the air for up to 45 seconds, depending on air conditions. 
This means a personal 45 seconds ahead of you, as you walk, can cough or sneeze and you inhale the droplets along with the virus as you zoom past where he was 45 seconds earlier. In another context, as you walk up or down the stairs, a person two floors ahead of you can still infect you.
You could walk around with sparkling clean hands with two brands of sanitizers and a pair of gloves but it will only take a breath of air for you to be infected.
The key intervention could have been mass use of surgical masks especially when in crowded or confined areas (matatus). To reduce the cost, the masks could be re sterilized using iron box, 0.5% Sodium hypochlorite (jik) or microwaving thus enhancing re-use. Hand hygiene could still help in reducing surface contamination.


I see a number of universities doing one thing or another to contribute to local solutions to fight the pandemic. The University of Nairobi is silent. Or the students there are designated to write the COVID-19 history after it ends?


This COVID-19 is being used by the government to punish people unnesesarily. For instance, a person who cannot afford a mask is arrested and locked in a forced detention (quarantine) at his)her cost for 14 days.
This person could be the family's bread winner or a single mother who was out looking for money to feed her family. What will happen to their dependants? There is a thin line between enforcement and harassment laced with impunity.


It is a shame that African leaders and the rich go for treatment and die in hospitals abroad. They run down their own facilities, steal all the money for training health care personnel and buying health care equipment then spend the looted money in a foreign land.
What is so hard for the government to put a policy in place that states that all MPs, the entire cabinet, Senate and MCAs including all their families must seek treatment in public health institutions? Believe me, they will campaign, vote and raise tantrums until all government hospitals are at per with Aga Khan hospital.
When that is done, we turn to education. If you are a public servant, all your children must attend public schools.

Poor citizens plumbing

The economic crimes committed by those in position of power in this country are so grave that one day, there are a number of them who, it would be better to shoot first and ask questions later.
When those in a country's leadership own banks, agricultural businesses, construction companies, transport, power, health and education sectors is this not new form of slavery to the citizens? They own everything and we are told to train our children to become plumbers, potters, carpenters and tailors.

Kikuyu youth

To the youth of this country:
You voted on tribal lines especially Mt. Kenya and Rift valley for incompetent leadership. Your instincts told you otherwise but hatred and greed as cleverly implanted in you by tribal bigots took the day.

All youth fell for the tired phrase... "OUR YOUTH WILL GET JOBS AND LOANS".

I have come across so desperate youth who cannot afford to live alone because they cannot manage rent, food, transport and clothing at the age of 30s. Majority do not have jobs and those who "work" are always at the lowest salary scale.

Tell me how a college graduate will survive with Kshs.12,000 per month! This has resulted in depression, alcoholism, early marriage for girls. Do you remember the promise of paid internship? Who is an intern and earning Ksh.20k? 

Please youth, let no one lie to you will colourful and empty words, even your fellow youthful leaders.
Look for substance in a person no matter the age. You are all in danger of living in less than a dollar a day if you fall for cheap and well orchestrated lies.

How will you take care of your children? Take a stand on land grabbing, looting, corruption, nepotism and wasteful projects lest you become the generation that saw the country decaying.

Kill power for

Why would one use millions of shillings, insult and even kill, so as to become the servant of the people? I thought serving should be free and the people would have no problem with that.

MJi barabara

Maji, stima na barabara" is what Ruto always speak about yet what this country needs are industries and conducive business environment. Let us look at each.

Maji-The only water available is because of efforts of communities, some country government but mostly personal efforts of individuals.

Stima- all last mile power is switched off in my home area because no one could afford the monthy Kshs.240! Besides, the proponets milked KPLC dry.

Barabara- Roads and railways developed have the pattern of favouring tjise in power. Wherever a new road leads, there is a hotel, home or businesses of thebig shots. Most roads act as cash cows for political class.

Besides, all the above form part of the least a government must provide to its people, not favors. The DP should be advised to stop using these tired words and the youth should start booing when he says this because these are lies and emty talk. Lwt me not even mention what he calls "kazi kwa vijana wetu".

Preso in ua hme

The reason why entire communities fight to have the Presidency is the belief that "once our own is there, we get all government appointments". What the President is doing now is just that; Tribalizing every government department. Some people may celebrate this but the truth is, such selfish moves fragments and disenfranchises the country further.
We desire a country where no one would care where the president comes from because justice, equity and transparency would be our guiding principles. Siasa Mbaya Maisha Mbaya.

Jubilee corruption

Go To Home

Kibiwott K Christopher

Kenya was united and almost free of tribalism during Moi's time. Corruption was with very few individuals close to the Head of State.

Tribalism and exclussionism started under Kibaki though with better governance and better management of National resources.

Then enter the two "youthful" disasters: Corruption necame free for all, tribalism, nepotism and theft has become almost official.

This is reflected on the socio- demographic behavior of Kenyans. People born in 60s, 70s and 80s are more tolerant, accomodative and easier to reason with. Those who matured under Kibaki are more conscious about their tribes though have understanding about how things ought to be. In ten years we will have to deal with vicious people raised under Jubilee: deeply corrupt and heartless.

Pr mudslides

Kenyans are too easy to fool. Murkomen flies to Elgeiyo Markwet  with choppers worth a billion shillings - probably paid for by stolen money, takes selfies with scared and cold citizens. For a good measure, he lambastes some government officials "for not caring for the common man". His sycophantic entourage looking so important and feigning deep sadness. 

He and his hangers on forget that landslides are phenomena caused by, among other factors, deforestation, lack of water catchment systems like dams and poor settlement location. Poverty and corruption has driven people to cut down trees to burn charcoal for sale, a non functional government has failed in ensuring that citizens settle on safe areas while known politicians have looted dams funds.

Some politicians must stop theatrics of appearing as saviors when they're the ones who put citizens in the very mess. But of course, the easy to please Kenyans are full of praise for a guys who are dancing on their gravely matters.

Sadly, even the learned here settle for that stupid PR exercise. Was it a must that he appears there yet he cannot pull out a survivor or administer first aid?

Tano tena

It should be obvious to Ruto and his rabid supporters that there is NO Jubilee and no debt owed to him by Uhuru. ODM mandarins have not wasted time to throw jibes at him at every opportunity.
I still remember how his face used to glow whenever Uhunye said.. "zangu kumi na za ndugu yangu William kumi".
Someone tell Ruto's supporters that they need to use brain and strategy not poridge and primitive thinking because things are thick.

Proud fall

At one point Sonko was a law onto himself. Moving in gold coloured Land Cruisers with bodyguards holding automatic rifles in plain sight. Who remembers when he dumped Jakaranda grounds with sewage to prevent an ODM rally. What about his antics at ICC in protecting suspects?
Lesson: No one is indispensable, so don't think power is for ever. I hope all thieves and economic criminals are watching what will befall them eventually. Kwanza naskia kuna mtu ako na 500,000 hectares of land!

Kkyu ruto prezo

 Kikuyus are so intent in making William Ruto their President, let them have their skunk. After all he is the one who will take the fall for the economic mess they (him and Uhuru) cooked and served for ten years. Perhaps two years into his Presidency, Kenya will change the narrative that Kikuyus are the business owners because they'll be out of all contracts, out of all influencial positions and relegated to second rate citizens. 
On the other hand, maybe the plan is to finish his money then dump him late next year. Whatever the case, I don't care because I will vote for the opposite of this fellow.

Rv n central corruption

I had a discussion with two different wazees, one from Rift Valley and another from Kiambu. Both agree on three things; one is that we are going down as a country as a result of poor leadership and corruption. Two, the youth will hit back at some point due to unemployment and hopelessness. Third, state sanctioned corruption hit unprecedented levels in Uhuruto government.

Friday, April 24, 2020


Nandi hills MP continues digging on William Ruto mercilessly

Alfred Keter is known for his sharp criticism on deputy president Dr William Ruto despite coming from rift valley region and and winning his parliamentary seat under URP on 2013 and Jubilee on 2017.

Speaking concerning the motion ongoing in Jubilee forming a coalition with other political parties likely Raila Odinga's ODM and Gideon Moi's KANU,He threw a blow to his former URP boss and his allies telling them to read the Jubilee party constitution and understand the powers of their leader president Uhuru Kenyatta in the party.

Mr Keter said that despite Mr Ruto having the large numbers in the National Executive Committee (NEC) he has no any power in the party to be consulted incase the party leader wants to make any move to initiate peace and unity.

He continued digging on DP Ruto's allies stating that they do not understand the implication of the party constitution clause which states that the party leader has an ultimatum authority to take control of the party.

Keter was speaking after the meeting held at Nairobi hotel by jubilee 'kieleweke' wing.There are rumours the the Rift Valley mp is a great Gideon Moi's KANU allie now supporting the ongoing motion of jubilee entering in cooperation to form a coalition which will steer their favorite candidate to tackle Dr William Ruto on 2022 presidential race.

He was among other 'kieleweke' members;Mr Ngunjiri Wambugu(Nyeri town member of parliament) and former TNA nominated senator Mr Paul Njoroge who said that the same way Uhuru Kenyatta met the handshake with Raila Odinga without consulting any party member or officials is the same way he could initiate a coalition he wants..

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Prado Atwoli

“I have a Mercedes Benz, I have a Prado, you can go and check from Toyota how I acquired that Prado..

My father told me there is no shortcut to leadership and no shortcut to riches. If you acquire riches through shortcuts we will see you coming down,”

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Let us be careful. Susan Ngugi is busy setting up a sympathy vote trap. Whoever wants to compete with her should look for a plan B because the harder she is bashed now, the more "woishe" votes she secures. Heck,this lady who can shoot her own leg and blame her presumed competitor or her imaginary enemies and her ratings will shoot through the roof. The lady is capable of stage managing her own arrest too for publicity and sympathy. And by that time you sympathise with her 80% will forget her questionable characters. Knowing her straight faced lying skills, she'll actually heap all blame on her perceived competitors and political enemies..

Monday, April 20, 2020


Charles David is brother to Mpaka Elias, Erick Stima and Humphrey Gacere all from Mairicha, Mucwa in Karingani are Mpaka's cousins..  Now you know how they are playing.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Covid education

Things we have learnt during Corona.
1. Kenyan can work without MPs. Infact we are better off without them.
2. Kenya doesn't need a Deputy president.
3. Church can run online without contribution of looted tax payers money.
4. Mutai Kagwe can be powerful than Matiangi.
5. Nssf money is yours after you die
6. Boda Boda is more important
7. Men need the side chicks so they are not mean to their wives.
8. When you spend alot of hours home. U start seeing your woman's mistakes easily.
9. Women don't actually like u to over stay at home.
10. Uhuru is the only president in the country
11. Rambo, Superman and all the movie heroes are not real heroes.
12. It's not possible to have sex everyday.
13. You are just lazy. There's alot you can do at home.
14. Men can cook
15. Everyone can survive without junk foods or alcohol.
16. Your side chick can survive on her own.
17. Your kids and family need you to stop wasting money in a bar.That money can just save u alot.
18. Everyone needs to reserve money or have an Emmergency account.
19. School buildings can be hospital.
20. Tomatoes are expensive
21. The English language is poor .
There's no snizing in and snizing out (okwetsyamula)
22. The vulnerable poor mean people who stay in town not villages.

You can add 😎😎

Sunday, April 12, 2020


Agwambo, the front line soldier, the fortune teller, the African liberator. The only leader who must be sought by any sitting president for nation to move on. In Baba's hands, safely is guaranteed.

Saturday, April 11, 2020


It is very regrettable when people with only 2 academic certificate plus a birth certificate discredits the efforts done by the county gvt towards fighting with Corona Virus.

When somebody ignorantly argues that spraying on suspected surfaces is waste of time and resources yet he is not a medic I am left wondering.

The other day I saw Mombasa residents pumping ocean water and spraying suspected surfaces including roads and nobody rubbished them.

This is the high time when we should be together towards fighting our common enemy and supporting any little work done since nobody has ever fought this battle before. The virus cannot differentiate between the politician I support and the one you support even the politician himself.

Meanwhile I appreciate anything done by our county gvt in the fight against the virus. Even if I meet them spraying trees who am i to question?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Half of Kenyan Counties does not have ICU beds, this is easily explainable.

Well, sampling Chuka level 5 hospital, we must come to agree that we have recently detached ourselves from old Meru when we shared the same district. All vital services were dumped at Meru since it was the headquarters. From ministry of land , health , works.. Up to date some people cannot get their birth certificate within Tnc since their files are at Meru, High court came the other day.

Governor Njuki picked the county while Chuka hosp  was on its knees, it is the same hospital where looting of medical apparatus was a norm from generator, anesthesia machine, drugs the list is long.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Mugwe ward under the leadership  of the young Mca Denis Mutwiri Muthitu is one of the best ward in terms of the  development project.

Major  Roads  like  Gitwaka  Muganani , Kiunguni , Nkumbo.. have been  murramed. Kambandi  Cheera tarmacking progress  is recommendable.

In collaboration with County gvt headed by Governor Njuki , the MCA has managed to construct 10 ECDE classes, 3 foot bridges Naka, Nkanya, Kirege and Kathuri in Kiamucii. Dennis is well  know in his unique  strategy  of Groups  empowerment no one will  match his game.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Die of corona

Jubilee (Uhuruto) gvt had 7 years to create 1M jobs , if we go for a total lockdown, we have no food and the gvt cannot offer Kenyans food because they didn't purchased food.

Agriculture Cs said that Kenya has no food in their stores, they spent 1.3 trillion on railway to nowhere, 21B on imaginary Kimwarrer and Arror dams not to mention Huduma number.

We don't have oxygen plant's in most hospitals except those big hospitals likes of MTRH where they  produce it's own Oxygen, meaning wazee will have rough time in the village if infected while some hospitals are far without enough ambulances.

The country has very few masks, gloves and testing kits how will we go by!

Jubilee govt invested on unnecessary projects and corruption instead of building and upgrading the health system since they knew that when they are sick they will seek  medical attention across the globe.

The number must rise only God will save us.

Monday, March 23, 2020


I remember when Bbi rally was scheduled to take place at Kinoru Meru, Tangatanga bloggers came with news that a patient has been reported in Meru hospital with Corona Virus just to infuse fear to people who were attending the Bbi rally, it was fake.

Well, after a second confirmed Corona case, they were all over the social media very happy with their dental out yapping how Corona has stopped reggae as if they are immune. The idiots could not be touched now that the reggae had stopped. They ignorantly forgot the social economic implications of the pandemic.

When leaders went to the statehouse to pray for our country the Tangatangas were again there watching who is not holy to attend the prayers. Indeed they found Raila unfit since he had a cap on his head again they blocked the good prayers.

According to my judgement, Tangatangas are responsible for welcoming the menace and praising it, they shld repent they should be the last people to lecture us about praying for the pandemic and showing concern. We are now facing  Corona together, schools, restaurants , companies, industries... Have been closed. By the end of the week we shall feel the economic pinch together.

Aisifiaye mvua, ujue imemnyeshea.

Monday, March 16, 2020


1. Baba

Baba is a name Raila’s followers use to refer to him. They use this name due to his long history in politics. He is seen as an elder who knows a lot and whatever he says, will be followed by his followers. 

2. People’s President

This title was used by Raila’s followers after his illegal swearing in on January 30, 2017. This was after he had refuse to participate in the re-run after the presidential elections were nullified. 

3. RAO

RAO is an abbreviation of his official names Raila Amolo Odinga. This name has been in existence for a long time ago. Since his debut in politics, people have been referring to him as RAO.

4. Jakom

Jakom is a Luo name for someone who is a leader. The name is used to refer to Raila as their leader. He is also referred to Jakom since he is the leader of the opposition and also leader of OMD party. 

5. Agwambo

Agwambo is a Luo name used to refer to a person with certain supernatural powers. This name is in accordance with Raila’s political abilities/muscles from his home ground. Anyone willing to vie for a seat from the Nyanza region must rely on his blessing to win.

6. Arap Mibei This is a Kalenjin term that refers to someone who helps one to cross over a river or water. In the context of Raila Odinga, this term is often used just as the Joshua term that is used to refer to Raila as one who helped people cross the river. The term became synonymous during his narrations on his symbolic role in leading his followers to cross the biblical River Jordan during the 2017 General Elections.

7. Owadgi Akinyi Owadgi means a brother to, therefore, the term refers to a brother to Akinyi. Raila's sister Wenwa Akinyi Odinga Oranga is currently the Consul General at the Kenya Consulate in LA.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Thursday, February 13, 2020



Residents of Kariobangi South were all smiles on Tuesday night after receiving news that they would soon have a new cabro road delivered to them in three weeks' time.

Embakasi West MP Hon George Theuri made the announcement during a final public briefing meeting at Kariobangi South 56. He was accompanied to the function by Uhuru Kariobangi South MCA Hon Robert Mbatia.

The leaders promised to give priority to women and youth from the area during the hiring process, but asked those given an opportunity to stay away from alcohol during working hours.

"We shall not allow drunkards to be part of the team," they said.

Area residents thanked the leaders for the initiative, saying it would bring an end to the inconvenience experienced especially during the rainy days.

The two leaders further said they would continue working together to deliver more projects in the constituency.

"We shall put together the resources we get from both ends of the national and county governments to give residents what they deserve."

Mbatia asked residents to continue exercising patience even as the leaders lobbied for more funds for projects.

He said that the funds allocated to the constituency were not enough to meet its numerous demands and hoped that with time more projects would be realized.

This is the second such initiative the MP is unveiling barely a couple of days after he launched the construction of a cabro road in Umoja II ward on Sunday afternoon.

Work is already in progress at the site with bulldozers having been deployed for ground breaking.

Meanwhile, Theuri has asked parents to ensure that no child was left idling at home even if they experienced difficulties in raising school fees. He advised them to take advantage of bursaries issued by the national and county governments.

"The government will take serious action against parents who fail to take their children to school," he said.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

BBI is for an inclusive govt. Why did Ruto have a change of heart at joined the BBI brigade? Murkomen referred to Raila as Baba,why? No abusive language applied either to Ruto or Raila ,why? The gullible Kenyan voters mmechezwa shere ... Mtajua hamjui.. Kenya iko na wenyewe BBI is here to stay

BBI is for an inclusive govt.
Why did Ruto have a change of heart at joined the BBI brigade?
Murkomen referred to Raila as Baba,why?
No abusive language applied either to Ruto or Raila ,why?
The gullible Kenyan voters mmechezwa shere ...
Mtajua hamjui.. Kenya iko na wenyewe
BBI is here to stay

Yes but it has been curtailed . You either join BBI via Raila or Uhuru . BBI is born out of handshake and BBI is government project and one of uhuru's legacy and it will never fail. Tangatanga watajua hawajui..let them continue quacking..

Yes but it has been curtailed .
You either join BBI via Raila or Uhuru .
BBI is born out of handshake and BBI is government project and one of uhuru's legacy and it will never fail.
Tangatanga watajua hawajui..let them continue quacking..

If going to Church means going to heaven then a pity Ruto and his gang of pretenders... After church the Pharisees will be hauling abuses at Raila and the establishment. We know most of our church leaders are compromised and corrupt and the Chu has been abused and used as a conduit for money laundering and cleansing... They'll not see heaven.

If going to Church means going to heaven then a pity Ruto and his gang of pretenders...
After church the Pharisees will be hauling abuses at Raila and the establishment.
We know most of our church leaders are compromised and corrupt and the Chu has been abused and used as a conduit for money laundering and cleansing...
They'll not see heaven.

Baba can never be wrong ...... You're free to charge waiguri if you've the evidence

Baba can never be wrong ......
You're free to charge waiguri if you've the evidence

Friday, January 24, 2020

There are lessons i learn. You might have 2 degrees,Masters,Phd,money,family,influence but all that does not make you responsible. If you are ignorant and stupid all that goes to waste. someone should be jailed.

There are lessons i learn. You might have 2 degrees,Masters,Phd,money,family,influence but all that does not make you responsible. If you are ignorant and stupid all that goes to waste.
someone should be jailed.

So? I do research for what? Don't you have ears to listen he is saying it's a country in east africa that will betray its vice president???

So? I do research for what? Don't you have ears to listen he is saying it's a country in east africa that will betray its vice president???

Who knows whereabouts the inua marinda na church harambees Ama Ziko on maternity leave??

Who knows whereabouts the inua marinda na church harambees
Ama Ziko on maternity leave??

You hypocritically pretend to know english but you fail to understand the meaning of the word *Barely*. Brainwashed Blind Sychophant

You hypocritically pretend to know english but you fail to understand the meaning of the word *Barely*. Brainwashed Blind Sychophant

Viewing does not necessarily mean that entire audience endorses his pursuits.The fall of Idi Amin is watched by millions of earthlings daily.

Viewing does not necessarily mean that entire audience endorses his pursuits.The fall of Idi Amin is watched by millions of earthlings daily.

DP Ruto is a self-established politician. A renowned King maker. Multi-billionare businessman.. That's all that matters

DP Ruto is a self-established politician. A renowned King maker. Multi-billionare businessman.. That's all that matters

Use civility as you engage.You don't have to brand me a sycophant yet nothing evidences the same,in the context herein.

Use civility as you engage.You don't have to brand me a sycophant yet nothing evidences the same,in the context herein.

Would Ruto have become deputy president without the express input of Uhuru? Where did you drop your sense of reciprocity? Where is your sense of political symbiosis? Where is your sense of political pedaling?

Would Ruto have become deputy president without the express input of Uhuru? Where did you drop your sense of reciprocity? Where is your sense of political symbiosis? Where is your sense of political pedaling?

Uhuru would still have become president without Ruto.He would have carried the day even if he picked any sub chief for the running mate.

Uhuru would still have become president without Ruto.He would have carried the day even if he picked any sub chief for the running mate.

You could be inebriated as we discuss here.Your debris belongs to the ablutions.

You could be inebriated as we discuss here.Your debris belongs to the ablutions.

Don't lose yourself in the plot trying to justify your meaningless rant. Even if you bring oxford dictionary here. The uthamaki political conmanship still betrays you

Don't lose yourself in the plot trying to justify your meaningless rant. Even if you bring oxford dictionary here. The uthamaki political conmanship still betrays you

Spare me your school yard tantrums.This is not a gimmickry arena.Keep to the debate.

Spare me your school yard tantrums.This is not a gimmickry arena.Keep to the debate.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Raila vs Ruto& BBI Initiatives

When Raila joined Kanu just as an Mp,he made sure that Kisumu and Mombasa became cities. When he was Roads and public Works minister,we saw several highways coming up ie,Western ,Eastern and southern bypasses done and this reduced traffic on Uhuru highway.

We saw Kibera slum upgrading project. He brought money to the elderly every month. He and Kibaki introduced CDF. Raila stood firm for a new Constitution that has made people like Sang to build a hse for 250m and Ruto to build 1.2b palace.

During Nusu mkate, Raila made sure that Kisumu got international standard airport , several supper highways brought. Nothern lapset corridor and Lamu port initiated.
Since handshake, we have seen Kisumu lake Victoria port operating again since Moi grounded it. Ahero Migori highway almost completion,Fish cooling storage plants are in place.

The Nairobi -Kisumu Railway being renovated and new locomotives ordered already,soon there will be launched by his Excellency Uhuru.
During Narc Gov ,he asked Kibaki to crap away tax on motorbike importation to creat employment to the youth. This created employment to over 6m youths.

Now that was Lord of poverty.
What has Lord of wealth done to people of Rift valley since YK92?
Now DP had full opportunity to make Eldoret airport be like Jkia. How many factories has he brought to Kitale,Kapsabet,Soy,Eldoret and Kapsiret? Instead looted money for public dam Kimwarer and Arror ,so sad.

Nationally,we have seen grabbing of public lands ,ie,Karen,KAA land currently holding number of appartments sold to only Indians.
Now you know who is Lord of poverty.

They only tell people that Ruto must be president and abusive languages. They don't have any Single agenda to convince people about his development record.


It is very unfortunate that the person and a lecturer who was once over proxies having assaulted CU students with a panga is the chief campaigner of prof. Njoka. Prof. Might be a good person but his team is wanting. This guy is extremely dangerous.

How many Kenyan businesses still make good genuine money? What if I told you the reason for this sorry state of affairs is the rotten, corrupt, incompetent and greedy Kenyan leadership?
I know many busy bodies will come up with mundane excuses like...the world economics, the war in Syria or even Global warming just to sound intelligent.
The bad news is, from 2013, we have been going down. Poor leadership where one part has been campaigning non stop and the other part has been busy acquiring monopolies leaving Kenyans to pay debts whose benefits cannot be seen. We are in serious trouble.

If his/her phone never rings whenever you are together; if it is always placed face down, if you feel some distant vibration in their pocket or bag..don't be a fool. Let us stop corruption

What is the job of a Deputy President? In our country it is to campaign for 10 years using State resources and on full salary.

What is the job of a Deputy President? In our country it is to campaign for 10 years using State resources and on full salary.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

It should be obvious to Ruto and his rabid supporters that there is NO Jubilee and no debt owed to him by Uhuru. ODM mandarins have not wasted time to throw jibes at him at every opportunity. I still remember how his face used to glow whenever Uhunye said.. "zangu kumi na za ndugu yangu William kumi". Someone tell Ruto's supporters that they need to use brain and strategy not poridge and primitive thinking because things are thick.

It should be obvious to Ruto and his rabid supporters that there is NO Jubilee and no debt owed to him by Uhuru. ODM mandarins have not wasted time to throw jibes at him at every opportunity.
I still remember how his face used to glow whenever Uhunye said.. "zangu kumi na za ndugu yangu William kumi".
Someone tell Ruto's supporters that they need to use brain and strategy not poridge and primitive thinking because things are thick.


Arabs have a prophet, the whites have had Jesus and other prophets, what do we Africans have? From 1880s we were told Jesus is coming back "soon", how many generations have gone by?
How comes no Arab wants to use an African name? How comes there are no whites who want to use African names whereas we're too eager to use theirs?
I know a few people who would stone me if I was walking by their neighborhoods but these are valid questions.


If his/her phone never rings whenever you are together; if it is always placed face down, if you feel some distant vibration in their pocket or bag..don't be a fool. Let us stop corruption


This Sunday, share the connection between poor leadership and poverty to everyone who borrows a few coins from you. Show them how corruption and theft of public resources has landed them where they are. Tell them God provided them with a brain to differentiate what is right and what is wrong. Don't talk about Jerusalem, talk about Mathare, Kibra, Kaptembwa and Langas.

Ruto n uhuru fail

This country has been messed up by two men. The tragedy is, Kenyans think recycling the second one will undo the stinking mess completely forgetting that he has been in the kitchen all along stealing the food and poisoning the remnants.

Pres community

The reason why entire communities fight to have the Presidency is the belief that "once our own is there, we get all government appointments". What the President is doing now is just that; Tribalizing every government department. Some people may celebrate this but the truth is, such selfish moves fragments and disenfranchises the country further.
We desire a country where no one would care where the president comes from because justice, equity and transparency would be our guiding principles. Siasa Mbaya Maisha Mbaya.

Maji bara

"Maji, stima na barabara" is what Ruto always speak about yet what this country needs are industries and conducive business environment. Let us look at each.

Maji-The only water available is because of efforts of communities, some country government but mostly personal efforts of individuals.

Stima- all last mile power is switched off in my home area because no one could afford the monthy Kshs.240! Besides, the proponets milked KPLC dry.

Barabara- Roads and railways developed have the pattern of favouring tjise in power. Wherever a new road leads, there is a hotel, home or businesses of thebig shots. Most roads act as cash cows for political class.

Besides, all the above form part of the least a government must provide to its people, not favors. The DP should be advised to stop using these tired words and the youth should start booing when he says this because these are lies and emty talk. Lwt me not even mention what he calls "kazi kwa vijana wetu".


Marying across tribes and communities leads to better and superior breeds of people. It is called gene pooling. The stereotypes associated with each tribe in Kenya is because the same genes have been circulating for generations within the tribes making the new generations possess poor quality genes compared to their predecessors.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Unless Americans are very daft a war with Iran will be devastating for them..... You don't go to war with people who have been suffering from dryspell and are promised 72 virgins and think you will win.. These guys are ready to die unlike the Americans who are not......

Apart from the 2nd world war where it nuked Japan into submission, remind me any other country that America ever went into war with,...... defeated and left peacefully....any where...?? US forces were roasted in the Philippines, they were roasted in Vietnam ,roasted and dragged through streets of Mogadishu by Somalis and now being roasted in Afghanistan and Iraq, with trillions of dollars and latest war machines......

War is not about having military bases or latest killers machines, it's about determination,.... bravery and ability to win hearts.....Given similar weapons to those they're fighting, do you think America can stand a day in any battlefield.....? Definitely NO!..